Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Cheetos and beer

HEY EVERYBODY!  IT'S ME.  SAM.  SAM THE MAN.  SAMMY SAMMERSON. SAMMICH. I could totally go for a sammich but I can't afford bread because poor.

Anyhole, to all the trollz out there on the Twitter and the internets, I'm real.  You're not.  Here's my proof

That's me.  Sam.  44. Dad.  Twins.  Boys.  HESTON, ALEX.  Heston ate Alex though. lol. CEO of pretend company.  Banjo player.  Vegan. Catholic. Reader.  Made a book.  Out of construction paper from my construction paper company. I own hotels.  I traded my railroads for Boardwalk and Park Place.  I totally ruined Mark the goat.  He'll never play monopoly with me again lol.  I'm totally a hetro.  Non gayism.  Almost Mormon'd but I quit it at the spaceship.  I can spell construction and commercial however I do not know what they mean.  But it doesn't matter because #FakeMillionaire woot!

I'm going to get a bit more specific on my post on my batblog dated 1/7/16.  The one about strategory planning.  On books.  You see, being a fake millionaire means attempting to sell a few ebooks for a few bucks so I can be a fake millionaire + $3.00.

I have a publisher and he/she/it has a zero budget for marketing and advertising my ebook  which means there are $0.00 in the budget because poor.  So I had a really good idear because my fake publisher had zero (drinking game alert x2) dollars. And the idear was this: Use the tabloids.  You see, they all know my name just like Starbucks does.  Then I'll do a symbolic nod to the costar of that movie Castaway.  The soccer ball.  Wilson.  I think it's funny because I'm funny in my very very very private life.  Of which I blog about.  The results make me look really stupid.  I haven't sold shit lol.

I have no dreams.  At all.  I wanted my story, my truth to be out there but since I'm a pathetic liar, I make shit up and try to sell ebooks.  Witch is reely funny since I can barely reed!  Irony baby.

I'm gonna donate the $3.00 that I maid from the ebook to polygamy escape groups of witch there are none so it's going straight into mah pocket baby! lol. So I'm still in Vegas of Las and I am meating new friends.  Theres a banjo player at the sign of where all the tourismists go to get their picture taken and I talked at him.  He actually maid money from these people.  So I will copy him.  I have a banjo and a case too.  So tomorrow I will start doing that.

Is it Friday yet?  I have to fake lent lol.  No, actually I think I'll fly my concordia to the Seattle of which I live at and maybe I'll see if I can party.  With people.  I can't party with people because they don't like me.  I often carry a plastic spork and lick it when I'm nervous.  People seem to be put off by that but whateves!  lol

I tried to join Gym but I can't find his number.  I don't know how everyone joins him but I've never seen him OR have his number.  Sometimes I think it's just God testing me.  And He won again.  Ugh. lol

I love ya'll.  No I don't.  I just try to type like a 'Sam'.  Who is a flaming homo.  From the South.  Running from people who hate homos.  And such.



  1. I just don't understand what makes her keep blogging and tweeting so religiously as Sam. I understood back when she was so entangled with Meri Brown....but what keeps her so invested in this now?

    It can't be to lure victims. She would have to retreat back into the shadows for that.

    Is this still about MB....or does JO have some psychological need to act out this imaginary character (Sam) every day? Is she actually a man and yearns to have a wife and kids in real life or is this all still just a part of her con?

  2. Jackie is a lonely, pathetic criminal who craves attention. The "Sam" character got her a lot of attention so she will write that boring blog until no one visits it. I suspect she thinks MB visits that trash heap of word vomit. Overton is in denial. This is all part of a con. I suspect Overton has many online characters set up to catfish other women. Overton is addicted to online fantasy.
