Thursday, March 5, 2020

Geeze guys

So I didn’t get any sympathy on my last blog post aka BLOG OF LIES.  It’s like somehow you all know there is no Sam Cooper with his half face and no photos of the other half!  It’s as if ya’ll know it’s Jackie Overton pretending.  Lol.  It’s as if I’m a complete idiot to keep this boring ass story alive.  The power of Christ compels you...oh wait, wrong movie.

So to get sympathy from anyone out there in the world, I need to change up the storyline.  Here goes nothing....

I, we, me and fake family moved to Paris ( not sure if I followed this correctly).  Sara (Lawyer) is the wife.  Had a dead baby talon. She flew to heaven.  Or hell, not sure.  We somehow have Peas.  Because Vegan.  Heston and Alec Trebec are twins.  The 7 dwarves are nannies.  Ryan is a dead baby but different story.  I roofied his mamma and Ryan was actually the product of of the semen from several Seamen.  Not mine.  I don’t have any spunk.  Seeing as Sara (wife) is a Lawyer, it pretty much means she can lawyer anywhere in the world (Jackie, you are so hillbilly ignorant) so Sara says she would have to work too hard to establish a practice in the country of Paris.  So she left me.  Then on mother’s day, she didn’t want to see or speak at the children. You know, normal divorce stuff. Because of that, I haven’t been on any of my Twitter accounts, none of my Facebooks, no instagraming or even moneygram.  So thanks everyone for asking if I was ok but I’m such a very private person, with 40 blogs, 80 Twitters I just couldn’t do any of it.  Because Mamma Dell had the internets taken off.  But Im back now bitches.  Lol

Sara (Lawyer) wrote me a letter saying she loves me. But I think it’s over guys. Im mad and just trying to keep myself together. With duct tape.  I just need time to get things fingered out.  Lindsey Lohan is with me.  And the surviving nannies (only 3).  I haven’t told the kids yet, not that they would know,  they’re PRETEND! Drew (no backstory) and his family are up.  We’re back in Chicago.  Drew is having a sleepover in my room with me and I’m so nervous.  I think we will paint each other’s nails and gossip til the sunrise,  then hide the sausage.  Vegan style.

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