Thursday, March 5, 2020

Xavier Robinson kills my thirst for Wendys

Hey ho, Jackie Overton here. I mean “Sam Cooper”. Single. 47. Banjo playing vegan. 5’5”.  300 pounds of pure lazy. Lol

Anyhole, since the pretend life of Sam Cooper, closet homo, is boring and the real life of Jackie Overton is equally yawn worthy, I, me and myselves decided to switch this shit up a bit.  

Todays segmental is gonna be called WTF America?  I mean golly gee wilickers America? I should never use WTF cuz wormens should never hear any a’cussin or a’swearin’. It will turn them dirty and we all know where dirty girls go, amirite?  Into the closet to pray the gay away.  That’s what mamma Dell says.  P.S.  It didn’t work mama. Lol.  Still 100% lesbionic and I’m McLovin it.

This article comes from and it purdy much goes like this.  A violent criminal named Xavier Robinson of Centerville Virginia weilds a knife at a Wendy’s manager.  Now I know what yur thinking cuz I thought the same thing, he wasn’t satisfied with the food but u are wrong.  He did it because he wanted a job there.  Ok, this is not in the handbook of how to impress potential employers.  So anyhole, this cock-a-doodie threatens to stab, goes swinging and somehow the manager gets away from being stabbed.  Fast forward to consequences.... Xavier Robinson (violent criminal) pays $250.00 and is free on the streets to terrorize managers of all fast food establishments. 

Thanks America, your laws and disregard for the human lives who prepare my hamburgers expertly have frightened me so much, I may actually become a real vegan!  

Since there is no justice, I decided to find Xavier Robnson on Facebook and get his reaction but all I got was this 

Apparently he ditched his profile when he turned 12.  Who knew that was the face of a knife wielding psychopath?  

Now I’m sad.  No more Wendys for me until Justice is served!  

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