Wednesday, March 4, 2020

One of these things is not like the others

One of these things just doesn't belong
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Hey ho, Jackie Jaxon Overton Sam Cooper here and I brought along my double chins. Speaking of double chins, I totally met my Twitter doppelgänger!  It’s Jonathan Jessica Yaniv, you know, the wax my balls guy who hates everyone who isn’t white. 

So like we totally get along.  He’s a guy pretending to be a woman and I’m a woman pretending to be a dude and we both have a lot of chins. Lol. We both have fake disabilities cept his got taken away when he used his pink cane as a weapon when he assaulted someone. Not the sex assault from the kid’s bathroom but an assault outside, in Pubic! Public. Same/same.

Isn’t he lovely! What a super nice dude! And by super nice, I mean total fucking asshole, just like me.  So I am still in love/stalker mode with you know who. 

But I gotsa play like she’s stalking me

So to try to win back my one true love (Meri) I have to continue to be Sam Cooper.  Fictional character who is beyond stupid.  Supporting characters are super impotent/important. Same/not really. Lol.  Anyhole I had to bring back the Linz aka Lindsay Lohan, the pretend kids Alex Trebec and Houston Texas. Also a wife or two. Not sure. I haven’t stolen any pics for a pretend wife.  I also pretend donate money to charity, but I have no money so the joke is on them. That’s how I roll because Catholic. Speaking of, I pretend to go to mass with the kids and a wife or two.  I think the mass is Saturday or Friday. I ain’t a reel Catholic so I duno. I must make a mental note of what it must be like to warsh my feets cuz them Catholics do that at the mass.  Also the ritualistic sacrifice of the wife where I bring the Holy knife and slit her throat and then presto! Blood/wine. Do I have to drink that because vegan....sometimes Catholicing is hard and stuff.

Anyhole, I think pretend Sam Cooper needs to kill off the family so I can get Twitter sympathy.  Maybe Meri will reach out?  That restraining order was a bit scary but I can completely ignore that becuz it was filed against me, Jackie Overton.  Not me, Samuel Jacob Cooper or me, Lindsey Lohan.  See, I am totally smart! M O O N.  That spells spart. Smart. Whateves.

Since Living in Mamma Dell’s basement and having no job or actual goals in life, I spend every moment of every day on Twitter. I am several accounts now. Lots got suspended but I still have my pretend girlfriend Kate.  Wife Sarah (Lawyer)was accidentally killed when she fell on a butcher knife 48 times.  Alex and Tex hardly remember her.  I invented Kate. Stupid Kate.  She’s pretend Catholic too. Can’t even do a pretend Ash Wednesday properly Lolololol.

Kate (Teacher) posts things like  “got punched in the head today” and “lockdown at school today “ or “coworker knitting voodoo dolls”.  Jesus Christ Jackie! Seriously? Pull those double chins out of your ass...I digress

As predicted, Kate (teacher) writes just like Sam. Right down to the same misperceptions. Perspiration. Exacerbation. 

So you Trolz, heads up, I know the Twitter police and had them for dinner. They were tasty once you got past the body hair. It’s ok. I gave up being vegan for lent. 

Don’t forget 

I am watching ewe

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