Friday, January 27, 2017

Just die already

Hey Ho, Fake Sam Cooper here!

Today we will be absolutely sincere. 

I went on a fake vacation with a fake wife and my two fake sons. 

This is Alex and Heston

I don't have a photo for my fake wife yet.  I haven't decided what she looks like but I gave her a backstory of being a LAWYER cuz Jackie Overton needz a lawyer Lol!

Anyhole, I spent the day on 17 of my twitter accounts but I have to not post as Sam Cooper because pretend vacation.  I is smart.  No one has fingered me out except the trolls.  See alls I do is say "oh they are trolls" and then I get followers!  Like this guy:

Yes, having a bunch of Arabic speaking Twitter followers is important for my biz cuz you know, real estate!
That's what I pretend to do.  And lets face it, this guy certainly needs a house in Chicago Seattle where I live in Oklahoma Texas.  Where else is he gonna store his glasses and shooting instruments?

So after pretend vacation, I decided I still wasn't getting enuf attentions so I had to kill a cat and tell everyone:

I called her Lucky because now she's dead. Lol

Sometimes the real me slips on my Samuel Cooper tweets

And sometimes I run into people who are way more crazy than me, Sam Jackie Overton Cooper

Dear Runwildmoonchld,
The truth is out.
Suck it.
Everyone on the internet.

Anyone who wants to watch batshit crazy on an entirely different level, follow this insane person:

She almost sounds jealous that she wasn't catfished.  She obviously harbors a deep resentment for MB and needs attention.  She knows Sam Cooper isn't real but plays as if it is real. 

So to recap

I am crazy.  I am lonely

I'm vegan

I'm Catholic

But not really because I did not know Pride was a deadly sin.  So maybe next time Jackie Overton can fake being Catholic with a little google search

Jackie Overton is such a lazy criminal!  Anyhole, back to Sam the Fake....

I wonder sometimes if my fake followers aka me actually exist in a different dimension?  Like what if I'm some kind of psychotic and I can anticipate future stuffs like:
and such

Like maybe one day they'll make a tub of butter that I can eat and not get the shits?  I wish I was an inventamatizer becuz I would make something like that.  But that is actual work and who does actual work???? Not this fat bitch!!! Lol

I guess what I am trying to say is I am crazy.  I am lazy.  I invent people.  I have no life.  No one likes me.  I am pure evil.  And I love MB.  Now she's all jealous cuz I got a fake wife and 2 fake kids.  Since I'm not bold enough to give fake Sarah (aka wife lawyer) a face, the author of this blog will do it

Since she looks like a cat, she will have to die. 

Ya'll have a great day.  Remember,

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jackie is Whackie

I encourage everyone to read this:

Jackie Overton has been manipulating people and scamming for a while.  I imagine her access to funds are limited at this point since this:

I'll be getting a bit more crass as I blog about this vile excuse for a human.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Breaking down

(hey Jackie, MB doesn't read your stupid blog)

I decided to have some fun.  Sam aka Jackie has a free statcounter on her blog.

Finding the html for her stat code was very easy.  That's all I'll say about that (wink wink).

From Jackie Overton's blog post dated November 23rd, 2015:

Dear you (she doesn't give MB a capital 'Y'.  I can smell the hate from this simple "you")

"I don't even know who to write to anymore."  I wonder if that is because all your victims and potential victims have been made aware of your arrest?  Who is going to fall for your shit Jackie?  NO ONE.

"I'm in so much emotional pain tonight I can't even hardly keep it together."  Can't even hardly?  Sounds very Jackie to me.  The lines of Sam and Jackie are blurring.  I can't even hardly!  Probably because a person needs male genitals to do that.  Wait, where was I...

"Last night was the end of something we created" *vomits suddenly*
Jackie Overton is placing blame on the victim AGAIN.  A simple "we" tells me that.  Speaking of creating, I did this:  I have a few more of those waiting to go live.  You're welcome Jackie!

"You make me miss you
You make me want you back
You make me believe in hope that you will find me again because it was the same hope that brought us together"

WTF?  She never saw Sam because SAM COOPER, SAMUEL JACOB COOPER DOES NOT EXIST.  How the hell can "she" find "you" as Sam?  She can't.  She met JACKIE OVERTON.  Large pig and dirty scammer. 

Nigerian romance scammers write this way.  Place the blame on the victim, demand money.

The rest of Jackie Overton's post is absolutely nauseating, I shall improvise.

I think that I, jackie, sam, no upper case letters, because I ain't derserving of that there proper type of shit, am gonna write this hear post because I am pretending that Sam Cooper exists for the press.  I will die suddenly maybe and then I can come back as Sam Cooper's twin.  Do I have make believe brothers?  Maybe I do and don't know about them.  Or maybe I'll fake an adoption and marriage.  Or sumthing.  I dunno yet.  Waiting for mamma Dell to get released from jail.  Ain't no one paid the electricks and I gotsa go with my ladtop close to mah neighbor to leech onto they're intranets.  I don't like that because they gots big dogs that don't like me.  Animals can sense my evil.  They want to bite me.  Lol

Anyhole, am sad and stuff. "My I'm fine game is at the highest level".  Online poker totally rulez dudes! I ain't been off the internet in a hole 62 hours now.  I am hallucinating from lack of sleep.


Or not, because I am fake.

Love always Ya'll,

Fake Sam
Jackie the Pig

Thursday, January 19, 2017

I still love MB

Mood: Cheetos

(based on Jackie's post of Dec. 20, 2015)

all i have to say is i still love her and in love with her and i dont know why she threw me under the bus because tire tracks on my shirt are not good.  Kendra busted out.  Our affair.  And she was gud friend but she made a lie and she did that on June 1, 2015.  She and me and me and she and I as my alter ego Lindsay aka the Lindz aka notmyfault nothing is evermyfault ever beerme.  anyhole she and I, I and she were trying to asquash the rumors of me being a catfish named Jackie Overton of who I don't know and yes, she looks exactly like the Lindsay but they are not the same, who ever the aposed person Jackie I don't know.
And all these lies are cuz she (kendra) has was been unfarely attackered.  and lost out on jobs and opportunities because of it.  Like no one takes her serious because she is a flip flopper who can't keep her story straight and she wants her own show on tv but she really is a horrid woman.  So of course, I am great friends with her.
so THANK YOU KENDRA.  For being an untrusting friend who helped me con MB.

Oh and anyone who doubts this is a liar and a fake and a troll. 

I need attunchion

Sam Here! Jackie Sam.  Sam Jacob Cooper.  Jackie Overton.  
Vegan Catholic Banjo Playah!

So like I blog and stuff.  Sinse I ain't gettin enuf attunchion, I make comments on my blog like this:

I am so stupid!  I totally left those bad comments and I did it 3 minutes apart.  Duh.  Lol

Speaking of Lol, have a gander at this

 Now ya'll, I do book review and such.  Leik I review this book with words liek here:
 Do you like
Green eggs and ham

I do not like them,
I do not like
Green eggs and ham.

This book is by my gud friend Dr. Seuss.  I know him personally.  He is going to do artistic work on my book cover of witch I am going to right. 
So sinse I went and released a bunch of recordings, I didn't get the girl.  I don't understand what happened. Lol

Doesn't blackmail and treats and stalking usually get the girl?  Well anyhole, it didn't happen so now Im gonna be Sam online here and right like a guy would.  So I will pretend she will realize how much I have to offer.  Because I am a Single.  Vegan.  Catholic.  66. Man. Banjo playah.  And maybe it will take the second change for her or another person to realize that. That I have alott to offer.

I am the gold treasure at the end of a rainbow.  Or maybe just the turd in the toilet that won't flush.  The kind you need to get a wire hanger and straighten that hanger and poke at the turd and try to break it up and it still won't flush.  Yes, that.

Anyhole, I must go eat steak now because that's what vegans do.  Only I can't afford steak because it's not on sail now.  Maybe some dinty moore that expired.  I would ask mamma but I can't because jail.  Lol

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Cold Whether

Based on Jackie Overton's blog post of 12/28/2015

"I am in Chicago until tomorrow. We are getting slammed with a big snow and ice storm . I was going to fly out tonight but the risk is not worth it. I’m a good pilot but even I know my limits."

Idiot, you don't fly.  You are not a pilot.  You can't afford a $77.00 ticket on Jet Blue.  
"I had a great Christmas."
 Really?  You owe $300.00 for bond since bailing out of jail.  Where's mamma?  I understand they held her since you only bailed yourself out.  Who is buying your cheetos Jackie?  No one.
" I took 19 of my family and friends to Morehead City, North Carolina for 5 days of Christmas fun."
 Mamma is in jail, your brother wants nothing to do with you, your father wants nothing to do with you, your cousin sent you a tweet about how embarassed she is that you drug your family into your bullshit catfishing.  No one is left Jackie.  Even your dog hates you.
"The past several years I had spent the holidays alone"
 I believe that. 

My ebook will finally be released in the next 2 weeks. If you have preordered thank you for that. I have 4700 + preorders. I can’t believe that many people are interested. A lot of them are from overseas. I didn’t know I had an international interest. Very cool! It will be followed up by the release of the actual book. In paperback only. I only ordered 1,000 paperbacks to be printed because I believe most of my sales will be digital. 

Jackie Overton is writing fiction, bad fiction, but fiction nevertheless.  She claims it to be non-fiction.  This will bite her in the ass in the future.
I have met an amazing young lady named Ellie

Overton is still stalking her previous victims.  I have no idea how painting herself into a corner will work in her scam, but she's doing it.
I am happy. I can’t wait to spend New Years Eve in Las Vegas with Lindsay and her fiancĂ©e Ben. 

What the hell happened to BOB????

Hil Air eous

Based off of Overton's post dated 11/29/15
"Weekend update"

(I will explain these photos in a moment)
Tokyo to Dubai:  11 hours 50minutes
Tokyo to NY: 12 hours 30minutes
NY to Chicago: 2 hours 20 minutes
If I am in Tokyo and wanted to get to Chicago, I will assume that total flight time is near 15 hours.  I may have a 2 to 5 hour layover in NY.

If I am in Tokyo and wanted to get to Dubai, I will assume that the total flight time is near 12 hours.

Jackie Overton pretends to be Sam Cooper.  She also pretends that Sam served in the armed services.

Jackie Overton posts:

"Then I flew off to Dubai to meet up with 5 of my buddies. They are all stationed in Japan and could not get home in time to spend the holiday with their families. They did manage to get time off just enough to hang out with me. And it was just what I needed. 5 guys telling me to let things go. To look at what is in front of me instead of what is behind me. To think about the next beautiful, amazing woman who will actually want to make a life with me. And how I am robbing that woman right now, of even trying to welcome her in. As they were talking all I could picture was Peyton. It’s confusing."

Let's break this down:

They are all stationed in Japan and could not get home in time to spend the holiday with their families

If I follow this correctly, "Sam" is stating that his "buddies" are STATIONED in Japan (I won't say how this is wrong as Jackie is reading my blog.  I clearly do NOT want to educate her.)

The "buddies" couldn't get home in time for the holidays so opted for Dubai? Yeah,  Too much wrong in that statement.  

Since Jackie is only familiar with popular cities, I drafted my travel time estimates from Tokyo.  



So idiot Jackie, aka psycho stalker, got her boxers in a bunch.  Because psycho.
The funniest thing I have read on her "Samuel Cooper" blog is this:

"Like I said a few hours ago. The police and Twitter are working with me to help me get rid of my stalker. Thank you to my local PD, thank you to Twitter, and thank you to everyone who is supporting me(not a single person supports you because um, you are a psychotic criminal). I appreciate all the awesome messages I got for finally standing up against these trolls (you mean your messages to yourself? mk).

Twitter suspended both of (name of victim removed) Twitter accounts. Twitter has assigned someone to me to start helping me knock out accounts (HAHAHAHAHA, THAT IS FUNNY). So if you are a troll and you have multiple accounts (LIKE YOU, ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS?)on that list we posted (WHAT LIST.  DID YOU EAT THAT TOO?) either delete it or you will get ALL of your accounts suspended soon. (NOPE) They are also looking to see if they can Verify my Twitter account (please do this now.  We need your phone number) so no more impersonating accounts and no more harassment like this gets by them. The guy working with me (give him a name please.  I need another of your imaginary characters) told me it’s more accounts than I have listed on here. Which is really rude Lol Ya’ll need to get a hobby or something. My gosh!"

Are you fucking insane?  Wait, we already established that yes, you clearly are fruit loops.

She thinks that we, the reader, will believe she would voluntarily go to the police? Um Jackie, the last time you saw the police was when they booked you and detained you.  I think you remember.  Mamma Dell surely does. Lol.

Twitter has never assigned a thing to you.  If Twitter was actually concerned about accounts, they would have shut all of yours down and all of ISIS.  You know, the followers you purchased.  Do you communicate with your ISIS followers?  Do you know Arabic?  Use google.  Stupid hillbilly...

So let's neatly wrap this up.

You are a known criminal. Criminals lie.  You're fat.  You're ugly.  U G L Y you ugly, wha wha, you ugly.
You are filled with evil.  You couldn't get a stalker if you paid cash. Money.  Gold. Or cigarettes.

Do your FL relatives buy any of your bullshit?  Get back in your house shed and STFU.  No one wants to hear anything that comes out of your piehole unless it's the sound of you choking to death because you forgot (again) to CHEW the donut.  NOW that is something I would listen to. Over and over and over ....

Jackie Overton:  Criminal
You know, for g o o g l e
Jackie Overton has ISIS followers on twitter

@notbatmanyet on Twitter is a fraud.

Jacqueline Overton threatens users with physical violence toward their families:

I'm wondering which part of this blog hit the trigger with you....I'll take psych eval for a hundred Alex. 


Google bitch. Google.