Sunday, January 15, 2017


So idiot Jackie, aka psycho stalker, got her boxers in a bunch.  Because psycho.
The funniest thing I have read on her "Samuel Cooper" blog is this:

"Like I said a few hours ago. The police and Twitter are working with me to help me get rid of my stalker. Thank you to my local PD, thank you to Twitter, and thank you to everyone who is supporting me(not a single person supports you because um, you are a psychotic criminal). I appreciate all the awesome messages I got for finally standing up against these trolls (you mean your messages to yourself? mk).

Twitter suspended both of (name of victim removed) Twitter accounts. Twitter has assigned someone to me to start helping me knock out accounts (HAHAHAHAHA, THAT IS FUNNY). So if you are a troll and you have multiple accounts (LIKE YOU, ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS?)on that list we posted (WHAT LIST.  DID YOU EAT THAT TOO?) either delete it or you will get ALL of your accounts suspended soon. (NOPE) They are also looking to see if they can Verify my Twitter account (please do this now.  We need your phone number) so no more impersonating accounts and no more harassment like this gets by them. The guy working with me (give him a name please.  I need another of your imaginary characters) told me it’s more accounts than I have listed on here. Which is really rude Lol Ya’ll need to get a hobby or something. My gosh!"

Are you fucking insane?  Wait, we already established that yes, you clearly are fruit loops.

She thinks that we, the reader, will believe she would voluntarily go to the police? Um Jackie, the last time you saw the police was when they booked you and detained you.  I think you remember.  Mamma Dell surely does. Lol.

Twitter has never assigned a thing to you.  If Twitter was actually concerned about accounts, they would have shut all of yours down and all of ISIS.  You know, the followers you purchased.  Do you communicate with your ISIS followers?  Do you know Arabic?  Use google.  Stupid hillbilly...

So let's neatly wrap this up.

You are a known criminal. Criminals lie.  You're fat.  You're ugly.  U G L Y you ugly, wha wha, you ugly.
You are filled with evil.  You couldn't get a stalker if you paid cash. Money.  Gold. Or cigarettes.

Do your FL relatives buy any of your bullshit?  Get back in your house shed and STFU.  No one wants to hear anything that comes out of your piehole unless it's the sound of you choking to death because you forgot (again) to CHEW the donut.  NOW that is something I would listen to. Over and over and over ....

Jackie Overton:  Criminal
You know, for g o o g l e
Jackie Overton has ISIS followers on twitter

@notbatmanyet on Twitter is a fraud.

Jacqueline Overton threatens users with physical violence toward their families:

I'm wondering which part of this blog hit the trigger with you....I'll take psych eval for a hundred Alex. 


Google bitch. Google.


  1. Hello again. So happy to see some new entries.
    I have noticed that JO seems to become quite upset and agitated whenever any reference to the catfishing is made on a SW episode. The guest appearance of a prior victim recently really seemed to infuriate her.
    She seems to have almost NO realization or insight into the reality that these are the only things keeping her relevant at this point.....that once SW gets cancelled or completely drops any and all references to this, people will soon lose all interest in her and her imaginary life.
    For me, it makes the psychiatric component much more complex...because it seems that living in her imaginary world is more important to her than getting attention.
    JO seems to wish SW would get cancelled. Does she have any idea how quickly she would become irrelevant if this happened?
    Or....even more bizarre....does she delusionally believe that this would cause MB to run back to her?

  2. I almost quit blogging, it's the same old JO nonsense. I am surprised she isn't worried about the active warrant against her for failure to pay. Her new sentencing was to occur in April of 2016. If/when SW gets cancelled we probably won't remember JO's name until she is arrested again. I believe she really thinks MB will run back to her. Jackie doesn't understand that she is all out of tricks. I don't believe she is aware of how very transparent she is. This is one of the oddest online scammers that I have come across.
