Sunday, January 15, 2017

Hil Air eous

Based off of Overton's post dated 11/29/15
"Weekend update"

(I will explain these photos in a moment)
Tokyo to Dubai:  11 hours 50minutes
Tokyo to NY: 12 hours 30minutes
NY to Chicago: 2 hours 20 minutes
If I am in Tokyo and wanted to get to Chicago, I will assume that total flight time is near 15 hours.  I may have a 2 to 5 hour layover in NY.

If I am in Tokyo and wanted to get to Dubai, I will assume that the total flight time is near 12 hours.

Jackie Overton pretends to be Sam Cooper.  She also pretends that Sam served in the armed services.

Jackie Overton posts:

"Then I flew off to Dubai to meet up with 5 of my buddies. They are all stationed in Japan and could not get home in time to spend the holiday with their families. They did manage to get time off just enough to hang out with me. And it was just what I needed. 5 guys telling me to let things go. To look at what is in front of me instead of what is behind me. To think about the next beautiful, amazing woman who will actually want to make a life with me. And how I am robbing that woman right now, of even trying to welcome her in. As they were talking all I could picture was Peyton. It’s confusing."

Let's break this down:

They are all stationed in Japan and could not get home in time to spend the holiday with their families

If I follow this correctly, "Sam" is stating that his "buddies" are STATIONED in Japan (I won't say how this is wrong as Jackie is reading my blog.  I clearly do NOT want to educate her.)

The "buddies" couldn't get home in time for the holidays so opted for Dubai? Yeah,  Too much wrong in that statement.  

Since Jackie is only familiar with popular cities, I drafted my travel time estimates from Tokyo.  


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