Thursday, January 19, 2017

I need attunchion

Sam Here! Jackie Sam.  Sam Jacob Cooper.  Jackie Overton.  
Vegan Catholic Banjo Playah!

So like I blog and stuff.  Sinse I ain't gettin enuf attunchion, I make comments on my blog like this:

I am so stupid!  I totally left those bad comments and I did it 3 minutes apart.  Duh.  Lol

Speaking of Lol, have a gander at this

 Now ya'll, I do book review and such.  Leik I review this book with words liek here:
 Do you like
Green eggs and ham

I do not like them,
I do not like
Green eggs and ham.

This book is by my gud friend Dr. Seuss.  I know him personally.  He is going to do artistic work on my book cover of witch I am going to right. 
So sinse I went and released a bunch of recordings, I didn't get the girl.  I don't understand what happened. Lol

Doesn't blackmail and treats and stalking usually get the girl?  Well anyhole, it didn't happen so now Im gonna be Sam online here and right like a guy would.  So I will pretend she will realize how much I have to offer.  Because I am a Single.  Vegan.  Catholic.  66. Man. Banjo playah.  And maybe it will take the second change for her or another person to realize that. That I have alott to offer.

I am the gold treasure at the end of a rainbow.  Or maybe just the turd in the toilet that won't flush.  The kind you need to get a wire hanger and straighten that hanger and poke at the turd and try to break it up and it still won't flush.  Yes, that.

Anyhole, I must go eat steak now because that's what vegans do.  Only I can't afford steak because it's not on sail now.  Maybe some dinty moore that expired.  I would ask mamma but I can't because jail.  Lol


  1. Hi again......I'm trying to understand the legal data here. In 1999 JO got in trouble for owing $516 in unpaid traffic tickets and then in 2015 she got in trouble again because she still hadn't paid them off? Do I have that right? And she was ordered to pay $178 per month until they were paid off.....but she didn't comply so for the past year there has been a bench warrant out for her for these outstanding tickets?
    So she has essentially had almost 18 years to pay off about 500 bucks but has not paid any of it? She could have paid 5 bucks a month and paid it off over 8 years ago. I thought she was making some money off her "books".

    Is that all she owes or does she also owe bail money for failure to appear? And is it significant that the bench warrant is a year old as of this month? Is JO on disability? How do she and her mother support themselves? And what eventually happens regarding this outstanding warrant and these outstanding fines/tickets? Could a person ever end up in jail for these sorts of legal problems?

    You are absolutely right about JO being a most perplexing scammer. And whether she realizes how transparent she is? Well...I do have to admit one thing....and that's that she sure does seem to be a genius when it comes to knowing just how to irritate others and to get under their/my skin. damn annoying is she prances merrily along, bragging about all her totally imaginary assets and attributes? I've wanted to strangle her a million times. Then I remind myself she's just a delusional woman living in her mother's basement....yet she still manages to irritate me. And I don't think I'm the only one.
    I've lost interest and wandered away multiple times...yet I keep coming back. WHY? Why am I so driven to want to see her smacked back to reality just one time?

    Is she so damn clueless that she doesn't realize how transparent she is? she so damn smart that she knows how to be the most persistently irritating person I've ever encountered online?

    1. Yes, 1999 she operated a motor vehicle without a license. She failed to appear to court and a warrant was issued. They arrested her in 2015 for the warrant issued in November of 1999. She bailed out and agreed to pay $178 a month starting November 2015. She failed to make payments, (failed to pay bail bondsman too) and another warrant was issued on 1/5/2016 and 2/12/2016.

      Yes, she could have paid this. The amount is so low, I think Jackie feels they won't go out of their way. She doesn't understand that bail bondsmen will go out of their way to get paid.

      She is not making money from her "books". Maybe enough to buy cigarettes, cheetos and a few big gulps. I suspect she makes money through a fake disability claim (carpal tunnel syndrome). Her mamma supports herself and Jackie by fraud:

      There are also indications that Della is scamming a local Native American fund (claiming to be Native American). I cannot prove this however criminals will find ways to scam anyone.

      Jackie will find herself in jail again. She probably won't do more than 6 months.

      You are not the only one that wants to strangle this bitch. She isn't smart. She's just a basic bitch with no soul and that is why so many want to see her offline and in jail.

  2. One other question I forgot to ask it significant that it is exactly one year later since the court issued the last bench warrant? Do courts revisit outstanding warrants on a yearly basis and reissue ones that are still outstanding a year later?

    Thanks so much. I'm not very knowledgeable regarding this.

  3. Looking at the current outstanding warrants in that county, she is very low level. She'll get into trouble with something else at which point this current warrant will bite her in the ass.
