Thursday, January 19, 2017

I still love MB

Mood: Cheetos

(based on Jackie's post of Dec. 20, 2015)

all i have to say is i still love her and in love with her and i dont know why she threw me under the bus because tire tracks on my shirt are not good.  Kendra busted out.  Our affair.  And she was gud friend but she made a lie and she did that on June 1, 2015.  She and me and me and she and I as my alter ego Lindsay aka the Lindz aka notmyfault nothing is evermyfault ever beerme.  anyhole she and I, I and she were trying to asquash the rumors of me being a catfish named Jackie Overton of who I don't know and yes, she looks exactly like the Lindsay but they are not the same, who ever the aposed person Jackie I don't know.
And all these lies are cuz she (kendra) has was been unfarely attackered.  and lost out on jobs and opportunities because of it.  Like no one takes her serious because she is a flip flopper who can't keep her story straight and she wants her own show on tv but she really is a horrid woman.  So of course, I am great friends with her.
so THANK YOU KENDRA.  For being an untrusting friend who helped me con MB.

Oh and anyone who doubts this is a liar and a fake and a troll. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi....thank you so much for explaining JO's legal situation to me on another entry here. I always assumed that if there was a warrant out for a person, the police would come knocking on the door within minutes. I had no idea one could just live freely in the same town with little fear of being apprehended.

    I'm very curious about the how JO views MB...because she seems to be mourning the loss of a real romantic relationship...and seems to be pining for what she sees as a true love connection. First, did she exhibit this behavior with any of her other past victims? you think she truly feels she was in love with (romantically) with her intense sense of loss simply due to MB being a celebrity?
    Do you think she is mourning the loss of a real love or just the loss of the celebrity connection?
    And...does she fully realize that MB knows that JO was only pretending to be a man and that there is NO Sam Cooper in real life...or does she still cling to some belief that she can still convince MB that Sam is real...or that there is still a chance that MB is still not completely sure? Or...does JO somehow hold out hope that there is still some chance or hope that she could have a romance with MB as a woman?

    I can't figure out if JO is feeling all of this loss of love and jealousy through her own eyes as a woman...or is she having these feelings through the eyes of fake Sam?

    As for Kendra, the only thing I can figure out is that she is angry at the Brown family...including some sort of business dispute related to the SW Closet....and because the big celebrity connection she had hoped for didn't pan out the way she wanted...she keeps becoming influenced by JO to involve herself in this in order to either retaliate against the Browns or in hopes of still keeping herself involved in this celebrity story.
    I had also considered the possibility that she was afraid of JO but if that was the main reason, why would she keep changing her story? It would seem to me that she would have stuck with the JO/Sam storyline if it was strictly out of fear. She did not appear fearful during the interview with the PI when she verified that Sam was actually JO...but then turned around and claimed to have been coerced. She's either completely crazy or else JO keeps luring her back in with promises of some sort of eventual celebrity connection.
