Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Demented minds of criminals

Subject Overton is unable to control a victim.  She is feeling powerless.  The subject is unable to financially gain from any attempt at blackmail and releases recorded messages from the victim on notbatmanyet.com.

The subject did not realize that this action would completely void any control she thought she had.  She did not anticipate that her victim already begun the process of healing from the mental rape that she endured.  

I am currently reading "This is a message and a prayer" dated November 21, 2015 on Jacqueline Overton's website:  notbatmanyet.com.  It is one of the most sickening posts I have read to date.  Overton blames the victim and attempts to do everything in her limited power to strike out at the victim.  Overton doesn't understand that the victim will never read those words.  The victim is healing.  Overton is devolving.  The investigators are learning.....

From the depths of hell, a psycho stalker writes: (complete parody from this point)

I loveded ewe.  But you figured out that I am a sykotic. 
I, the God, The Catholic, The Vegan, The Banjo player, The single CEO kachillionare, spoke to selves and my selves said, hmmm, wha jus happened?  I don't get it.  Me:  Samuel Jacob Cooper isn't real.  You know that, I know that yet I thoughted once you meated me at Vegas, you would be in love with me.  Jacqueline Overton.  Serial stalker.  Cyberpredator.  Catfisher.  Fatty McFatterson.  Evil to the core.  But you didn't, did you bitch?
I secretly recorded ewe.
IT's proof that I am a sykotic.
Baby, come back.  We could eat pasgetti.  I will open my 20 year old can of spagetti os for EWE.  And if EWE don't show up with cash money, I'll fucking release all those secret recordings of EWE from my ladtop machein.  On my website.  Bitch.
Just talk to me baby.  I'm reel.  Like steel.  On intranets.  Baby.  I miss EWE.  I ated raw meet today to get my fix but baby, it did not do anything for me.  I should try hard drugs so that the hole world could dance and dance when I overdose and dye.  But no.  NOT FOR EWE. 

come back to me.  in the beginning when I tricked you into trusting me, it was so I could be a puppet master.  You the puppet.  But I guess you figured it out.  People don't die of embarassment.  You will get on with your life.  And I will still be a pathetic piece of shit.  You will go on TV and tell your storie.  And this will help all victims of catfishing.  That your lives move on.  You can further educate people about how to avoid psychopaths.  So all the attenchion belongs to me.  ME ME ME ME ME. IT IS ALL ABOUT ME.  ITSNOTMYFAULT ITSNOTMYFAULT I NEVER ACCEPT BLAME I NEVER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY 

I am so hillbilly ignorant that all I worry about is a law suite.  Cuz I ain't got 2 pennys to rub together.  Cuz no pockets.  too fat for pockets.  
i don't know a thing about being arrested (yet lol) simply for being a criminal... alls i worry is u gonna sue me.  Sue me.  Susan me.  For my 2 pennies.  And my disability or my social security check.  Because hear in Oklahoma, being lazy is a full time job.  Of witch they pay me for. To. AT.

I no that tomorrow it will be all about me so I have to continue to blog as if SAMUEL JACOB COOPER, VEGAN, CATHOLIC, BANJO PLAYER is real, even tho he ain't.  

You ain't maid this easy on me.  Jackie.  Me.  Sam. Son of Sam.  I am.  I see you where you live on TV and I see u cry.  It makes me happy.  I re run that all the time.  And almost killed Mamma Dell when she atried to turn off Color TV.  In Shed. Were I live.  Even though I think I bunt it down some blog posts ago.  I can't keep track of all the lies I tell.  

All u caer about is ratings.  But it is me that will get all the attenchion.  
Cuz no one loves me and everyone loves ewe.  I am jealous.  You have a soul.  I do not.  You are nice.  I am not.  People like ewe.  No one likes me.  Not father, not brother and not even mother.  I must be some kind of monster if I can't even get love from blood relatives.  So I kill them and suck their blood.  Cept Mamma Dell cuz she pays for me to do such things as
Live at her house

Eat the fridge
Have electrics.

Ewe growed up in a way I can't understand.  Ewe believe in a God that is not me, Jackie Sam God.  I cannot wrap my warped mind about it so I will be God.  Worship me bitch.

And now I release all my blackmail materials.  That a few people will lissen to.  And seriously, it's nothing.  It is obvious that ewe, a divorced lady who was a tricked into saying stuff, will only be embarassed.  You won't die from it.  It's over for you, you can heal and move on.  You will be normal after this.  I won't because I won't get therape. Unless its court mandated.

Fake Samuel Jacob Cooper.
Asshole extrodanaires.  I spells better now. Dikshunary. is good.  I ate a few pages.

1 comment:

  1. I want to compliment you on what you have written here. I found this entire blog to be riveting to read. I love your insight and your literary style.
    I think that your objective analyses are likely very accurate and that your parody sections truly portray the hauntingly bizarre nature of this story.
    Your parody sections almost have a William S. Burroughs quality to them. I hope you continue to write here so I can continue to enjoy reading. I think you are a very talented writer.
