Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Demented minds of criminals

Subject Overton is unable to control a victim.  She is feeling powerless.  The subject is unable to financially gain from any attempt at blackmail and releases recorded messages from the victim on notbatmanyet.com.

The subject did not realize that this action would completely void any control she thought she had.  She did not anticipate that her victim already begun the process of healing from the mental rape that she endured.  

I am currently reading "This is a message and a prayer" dated November 21, 2015 on Jacqueline Overton's website:  notbatmanyet.com.  It is one of the most sickening posts I have read to date.  Overton blames the victim and attempts to do everything in her limited power to strike out at the victim.  Overton doesn't understand that the victim will never read those words.  The victim is healing.  Overton is devolving.  The investigators are learning.....

From the depths of hell, a psycho stalker writes: (complete parody from this point)

I loveded ewe.  But you figured out that I am a sykotic. 
I, the God, The Catholic, The Vegan, The Banjo player, The single CEO kachillionare, spoke to selves and my selves said, hmmm, wha jus happened?  I don't get it.  Me:  Samuel Jacob Cooper isn't real.  You know that, I know that yet I thoughted once you meated me at Vegas, you would be in love with me.  Jacqueline Overton.  Serial stalker.  Cyberpredator.  Catfisher.  Fatty McFatterson.  Evil to the core.  But you didn't, did you bitch?
I secretly recorded ewe.
IT's proof that I am a sykotic.
Baby, come back.  We could eat pasgetti.  I will open my 20 year old can of spagetti os for EWE.  And if EWE don't show up with cash money, I'll fucking release all those secret recordings of EWE from my ladtop machein.  On my website.  Bitch.
Just talk to me baby.  I'm reel.  Like steel.  On intranets.  Baby.  I miss EWE.  I ated raw meet today to get my fix but baby, it did not do anything for me.  I should try hard drugs so that the hole world could dance and dance when I overdose and dye.  But no.  NOT FOR EWE. 

come back to me.  in the beginning when I tricked you into trusting me, it was so I could be a puppet master.  You the puppet.  But I guess you figured it out.  People don't die of embarassment.  You will get on with your life.  And I will still be a pathetic piece of shit.  You will go on TV and tell your storie.  And this will help all victims of catfishing.  That your lives move on.  You can further educate people about how to avoid psychopaths.  So all the attenchion belongs to me.  ME ME ME ME ME. IT IS ALL ABOUT ME.  ITSNOTMYFAULT ITSNOTMYFAULT I NEVER ACCEPT BLAME I NEVER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY 

I am so hillbilly ignorant that all I worry about is a law suite.  Cuz I ain't got 2 pennys to rub together.  Cuz no pockets.  too fat for pockets.  
i don't know a thing about being arrested (yet lol) simply for being a criminal... alls i worry is u gonna sue me.  Sue me.  Susan me.  For my 2 pennies.  And my disability or my social security check.  Because hear in Oklahoma, being lazy is a full time job.  Of witch they pay me for. To. AT.

I no that tomorrow it will be all about me so I have to continue to blog as if SAMUEL JACOB COOPER, VEGAN, CATHOLIC, BANJO PLAYER is real, even tho he ain't.  

You ain't maid this easy on me.  Jackie.  Me.  Sam. Son of Sam.  I am.  I see you where you live on TV and I see u cry.  It makes me happy.  I re run that all the time.  And almost killed Mamma Dell when she atried to turn off Color TV.  In Shed. Were I live.  Even though I think I bunt it down some blog posts ago.  I can't keep track of all the lies I tell.  

All u caer about is ratings.  But it is me that will get all the attenchion.  
Cuz no one loves me and everyone loves ewe.  I am jealous.  You have a soul.  I do not.  You are nice.  I am not.  People like ewe.  No one likes me.  Not father, not brother and not even mother.  I must be some kind of monster if I can't even get love from blood relatives.  So I kill them and suck their blood.  Cept Mamma Dell cuz she pays for me to do such things as
Live at her house

Eat the fridge
Have electrics.

Ewe growed up in a way I can't understand.  Ewe believe in a God that is not me, Jackie Sam God.  I cannot wrap my warped mind about it so I will be God.  Worship me bitch.

And now I release all my blackmail materials.  That a few people will lissen to.  And seriously, it's nothing.  It is obvious that ewe, a divorced lady who was a tricked into saying stuff, will only be embarassed.  You won't die from it.  It's over for you, you can heal and move on.  You will be normal after this.  I won't because I won't get therape. Unless its court mandated.

Fake Samuel Jacob Cooper.
Asshole extrodanaires.  I spells better now. Dikshunary. is good.  I ate a few pages.


What is love?  Is the the feeling I get after I eat 12 donuts? Or when I eat a tub of ice cream? Or when I stalk someone and they think I'm real?  And then I trick them into a vacation to Las Vegas?  So I can hunt my next victim?

Jackie Overton Samuel Jacob Cooper here!  I had love.  But she got away.  She broked my hearts. And it hurted.  

I am breaking down my pattern to see what went rong.  I think the fact that Samuel Jacob Cooper is fake had a lot to do with it.  And when you use theft by deception, well, that's just illegal!  Lol

So I just have to wait.  I've spent years waiting.  Not days.  Not weeks.  Not months.  But years.  Earth years of witch there are a lot of days in.  I knew my victim would be blonde and sweet.  Kindness is good.  And then I have great laughter at her.  For being kind.  Because I really don't understand humans at all!

I spoke to the source and I says "Source!  Where is my victim" And mamma Dell told me to shuddup and get a job.  But I don't.  Because hear in Oklahoma you can fake carpal tunnel and get disability! Yay me!  So I type for hours and hours and hours and hours on keyboard of my tool of other world, computer is what is called.  Ladtop.  Where I do scam and stuff. Lol

Nigerians call it 419.  They are more better at it than me.  Sam. Jackie.  Because of that, I study them and how they do it.  They rely on things like:
Western Union 
iTunes cards
and such.
But I cannot do it that way because that will all leave a paper work trail to me.  Jackie. Sam.  The Catholic

So maybe I'll just do it differently this time.  What I need now is time to reflect.  To prey.  To sit in the preyer closet and read the book that mamma gives me.  It's all about me.  The Jesus of Christ.
And then I feel sorry for myselves.  

So I didn't get the girl.  Because she ran and I can't run.  I have bad knees from being so obese and I can't chase her.  Itsnotmyfault.  But the next girl I get will have her feets chopped off so that she cannot run and she won't complain at all when I catch her because ball gag.

Right now I don't feel like much of a prize for any girl because I haven't showered in a while.  I broke the tub.  So I hasta go to a barn to get sprayed down.  And no one will hold the hose for me. 

I meditate.  It's when I take tater chips to the time out closet.  And then I think of all the people that want me to disappear.  Them trolls who virtually talk about me all day literally.  And not for good intentions.  And I says to selves and the intranets "here I am.  I ain't going no where.  Cuz I can barely make it down to the street to chase off reporters.  I huff and puff and blow you down." So ya'll, here me rawr.  

I am my own HERO. Hear me! Oink oink.

Overton out


Monday, December 26, 2016

I am a fucking useless piece of shit and should just die already

yes yes and more yes


I am man. Man.  Manly man has feelings.  Leik:
crying in elevator.

Kevin was with me.  Cuz guys usually like to cry in front of other guys.  It's how we share feelings with each others.  By crying.  In elevators. There was no music on to provoke the way I reached out to him.  Held him. Let him kiss the tears off my fat cheeks.  Then he bitch slapped me, cuz seriously, I am a bitch.

So like, that's what dudes do.  Good dudes.  Good dude Keith.  I won't kill Keith.  Not yet.  "I sucked it up before the doors opened".  Soooo much I want to type right now, but this is not the site for that. Noooo.

I went to my office for 10 minutes with the door locked. Because it took 10 minutes to finish.  It.  The thing.  That you know.  Of. AT.
Wait, when did I get an office and where is it?  Elevator? Building? WHERE? And who the hell is Keith???? I can't follow this shit.

I would have been embarrassed if I had human feelings but I don't. So Lol!

So I took the bible out because dirty girls need to go to the closet to prey.  

Anyhole, that's my day.

Moveing Day

HEY EVERYBODY IT'S SAM HERE!  SAM COOPER! Fake person made up by Jacqueline Overton.  Jackie Overton.  Insane in the membrane.

Anyhole I invited all my personalities to Halloween.  Witch is the Lord's day.  My day. Sam.  Son of Sam.  Psycho killer. 

So I invited:
Dead Bendz
Trash Box Lindsay
The Lindz
Dead Linda
My monkey Alex who is dead
Charlie Brown
My legless dogs
Peyton (who the fuck is peyton?)
All the Catholic employees of my company
of witch are 50 in number
Mark the dead J.E.W.
Mark's 2 moms
Mark's 4 fathers

And we all were at my party in House Shed by Big Back Yard.
My legless dog dressed up as Snoppy.  Not to be confused with Snoopy.  Snoppy is a legless dog.  Snoopy is not. Lol

 My shed is cramped with all these peoples.  Of Earth. So I set the thing on fire and now we are without Shed House.  Mamma Dell was so pleased because she did not know how long dead bodies in Shed House could stay ahidden.  So now she ain't gotsa worry none bout that.  

Lindsay is helping me move to basement.  I like basement.  No need for tin foil in basement.  NSA cant see me in basement.  

So I has to call movers.  They are people who move.  They have:
big object mover that is a thing on wheels that you can put heavy things like me.  Washer machine. Dryer.  Dead body.
I ain't neva seen no warsher or dryer machine.  But I did a google search once and they look fun.  

So I lockered up my blog when I did sleep.  So none of the hackereres can git me.
They got me!


I N Crazyland someone eats her way thru feelings.

Jacqueline Overton

I knew the bitch hated cats!  That's it Jackie, kill cat statue with your giant foot.

Dumb hick ran out of sporks.

Forks and spoons! Fur them fancy folk.
Look mamma! I ate the mountain!
Threats of physical violence

Oklahoma penalizes threatening others with physical violence, even if you do nothing more than make a threat.
Under Oklahoma law, it is illegal to:
1) threaten
2) to perform an act of violence
3) that would cause serious bodily harm or death.


Free pizza day in Oklahoma for Tubby Two Ton

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

I hope you enjoyed my pictshure show.  Lol

Photo credits go to:
Jacqueline Overton's victims
Those who researched this case (the 'trolls')
In Touch
Jackie Overton herself, for not being able to "pay a google guy to take stuff down" (wtf)
To Google:  for not having a google guy.
I'm sure I missed so many, let me know and I'll properly credit the photo source.
To centralops.net

Return of the King

I'm baaaaack!  In Vegas, hear.  Emergency out of town of unknown blogging happens. Warrent issued.  Police dispatched.  Pot.  Smells. Wired. Lol
I am very fragile at 385 pounds.  Bones break when you fall.  They just ain't that strong when you is a junk food addict.  Lol.

Nice shit was said hear at my blog that I wroted to myself and that made me happy.  Like it's only gonna take 2 dozen donuts to fill that need for love kind of happy.  I am allergic to commas.  And rational thought. I like the word "ya'll".  I reely dumbs me down.  Just when u thoughted I couldn't get dumber. I did. At.

I ain't gonna work for a few months. Because jail. Lol

I leave all my imaginarys stuffs to a person.  Unnamed. Bekause I killed Mark.  The J.E.W. 2 moms. 4 dads.  Cake. 

I will wait for Supreme Being to drop a girl down to me.  I so hongry! 

More fun!


Summer music

I learned a word today and it's Celtic.  It means music.  Of witch I hear sumtimes in park. Of imaginary land.  Cuz this town's park is a huddled wid crimsters.  Of which I am.  The Lindsay tolded me about pot.  Maryjane.  Mary wanna.  Joint.  Peace Pipe.  I had a pipe and I broked a skull wid it. so I'm on the run.  From the law.  I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.  I excaped prison.  Cuz I can fly.

The rock of which was my solid foundation is broked.  From my fat ass.  And I don't no wear I am headed.  To Chicago.  Lindsay tolded me I can stay under bridges with her.  But stuff is up in the hair.  Im not a good planner person.  Pot smells wired. Lol 

Gonna crash.  with cash.  I got 20 dolla in my pocket and I am going to thrift store.  It is like Macys hear.  Bob. Bob. who the fuck is bob.  Lindsay's friend bob.  gets in at 9:30 on the dot at airport. He lives in Dallas Utah.  Same as me.  He was a big fatty.  Just like me. They are going to pick lice off each others hairs.  So cute.
Ya'll have a great short life.
I'm gonna getcha !


I am ballerina
I twirl
and twirl and twirl
but I fall
because I am rotund
and lopsided
so I fall
on my backside
I fall thru floor one
I fall thru floor two
I broke the granites
In Utah
Of Chicago

Chicago.  Why are I and me obsessed with Chicago? People live there.  Earthlings.  Earththings.  With beating hearts.  I heer them.  Need to feel them in my teeth. Still beating hearts tickle me.

The wood has to settle.  Wood.  Would.  Is. Gud.

Knowing that i am entraunaper, you will no that when you put wood floor down it has to settle.  Nope. Not really but i is a ignorant piece of shit so what I say really don't matter none.  What matter here is my 2 dollers. 
So the magical properties of wood are these:
lay some more
It cannot be walked on by me because I break floors with my sheer mass.  And the pets of which I have 2 of cant either.  Because I took they're legs off.  So that they could not run away from me again.

Mark the goat is in a good place.   He was breakfast.  OKC OKC OKC OKC.  Words.  of.  pure.  shit.  and.  stuff.  blank slate.  train.  respect my authority.  today is last day in this office here at unknown.  For a while anyways.  I am going to Chicago Utah.

Ya'll can stick that in yur pipe and toke it.
Overton out.

Its Still all arbout Utah of which I am. Sam.

I am sentence riter now. I and Mark.  Mark goat.  Eater of grass.  Tied to my House Shed.  He gots 2 moms.  I find it unushual.  It is fun to talk at them.

Contracktors.  I hired 2.  For home 1 and home 2. And one to put out a hit on you. EWE.  Got what I neeeed.  Oh baby EEEWWWEEE. Got what I neeeeed.

Cake pan, empty and clean. From my tongue.
of wich I used to lick the pan.  Which had cake.  In it.

Contracktors are the overseers of houses of which I boughted.  And she is doing good job.  The contracktors are a singular "she".  Like me.  Or not.  Still Sam I am.

I are going to be overseer of things such as:
Granites.  Apparently Granite needs to be pluralized with "S" for house one and house 2

Then me, the Linda/the Lindz/the Bendz, The Sam. The Fat wack job that is Jackie, will use a commer.  Comma.  Whateves. I me we and I go back to Utah in 2 weeks to see it all finished.  Cuz everyone knows that when you buy 2 houses and a contracktor, it takes 2 weeks only to flip the house.  According to TV.  Of which I live for.  In. AT.

I looking to sell it first.  Because that is how I and me tawk.  Talk. "Looking to" is a learned expression which can only be "learnt" from backwoods fucktards. So I is looking to sell the gosh durn house propertie. Of witch I own.  2 of them.  But if they don't sell I will just do a craigs list and stuff. To rent to. At fare price.  Fair price.  I once went to Fair.  The circus peoples a tried to keep me in a cage for main attraction but I done did a skerred all the midgets who cried so they won't let me near circus.  Any moore. 

Here is me and I in construcktion gears:
I am Jax body.  I am morbidly obese.  I own a shirt.  It has stripes.  It is the only shirt I own now. I shuld kill myself.  And turn myselves into soap.  But I can't dye now.  Mor ta ma. I am  Mor ta ma.  I have a Gunt.  It's a blend of my huge gut and my special place.  Where peanut butter goes.
"Utah is an emerging market for real estate so it's going to be fun to see what offers I get."  Earth is full of emergering market for dwellings of house sheds for me to by.  Me.  Kachillionaire.  Gas stachun owner.  And coffee sitting place owner.  Casino robot owner.  Vegas crack house owner.  But not really.  Cuz itsa rental. A rental that I flipped.  Green acres is the place to be.  So happy for goat boy Mark.  He likes grass.  To eat.  In back of crack shack.  Were I and me buryied the bodies.  Shsssh.  Don't tell no one.  Mark won't know.  He had Mr. Winkey chopped off.  Because J.E.W.  with 2 moms.  They make cake.  From a box.  I usually just eat the dry ingredients from box.  I ain't never seen a oven b4.  Mamma Dell says we couldn't get one becasue she done did sticked her head in it once and they won't let her have anotha one.  And Food Stampers need to save them up for cigarettes. Not ovens.  My house's hous'es houses' propertieys in the Utah will have ovens.  And granites.  And the ashes of Heston and Alex.  Burnt to crispy critters.  Who used ta crawl on my heads.  And feets.  

I live on TV.  One dimension Two dimension Two dimension Three
Daylight come-a and I wanna go home

Communicate.  is key to success.  Of whitch I am.
Richard Stands. One nation.  Under me. For liberty. and Justine for all.

I got axed out on a date today.  She circled YES on my blog on my webster  website.  Witch was wiered.  So I was like stalking on line on this one person who I tricked about being reel. And so she like totally suddenly after months and months says to me (completely out of the bluu) she says "I gonna I gonna axe you out if you is single" and I totally fell off my chair.  Because my chair ain't made for peoples of over 350 pounds.  It broked and my back side is sore now.  So I satted on floor where the heads are stuck in jello.  Anyhole she wanted to no if I was dateable.  Like 1) r u a cereal killer and 2) is there a expiration date on your forehead?  and C) ARE YOU A CATFISHER, A FAKE, A FRAUD, A SCAMMER? Samuel Cooper is not real.  Jacqueline Overton is a scam. So like I totally had to lie to her and now I need to kill her.  If she ever lets me meet her.  

So that shuld be phun.  So Mark, the J.E.W. says to me he says "thats two (2) days inarow.  In a row."  Arrow.  I shuld buy a arrow.  It is hard (that's what she said) to communercate with Mark because 1) I am CATHOLIC and 2) He's not real.  

Speaking of not reel, I am doing okay.  Things are going smothly in my head. Heads. I prefer to keep it that it them that way.  Voices are quieter now.  They get quiet when I dismember humans.  And eat them.  In my shed.

I and me are makeing new friends. Today. I am going out. Of my mind. With Lindsay in the las of Vegas in which I went. To. At.
Hanging out with Lindsay is sceery. Scary. And Excitement.  Excrement of which I paint my walls. In. Of. To.  Anyways hanging on Lindsay in Vegas is a hole nuther level. And I swear anything can happens.  Cuz she is so magnetic that she can stand by someone for like 3 minutes and already has stoled their wallet and phone.  That girl is a grifter.  Gifted.  Like me.  The humans she meats are cool and fun.  I wish I could be cool and fun.  But I'm not.  I pick my nose in pubic.  And itsa turn off.  I am usually confuse in new environment.  On earth.  

Now of coarse I is shure you done did heared this b4 ya'll but 2 tv peoples got shot on tv.  By me. And I preyed.  

You only get one swing in life, so make sure you're bat is big.  Like me.  350 pounds big.  If I sit on your face, you die.

I am reeding a book I gotted. From 3rd graid.  And it's good.  I ate pages 1 thru 7 but not 8 cuz 8 has pretty picshures on it. Eating paper gives me worms.  Lol

Ya'll, keep it safe.  Lock your doors.  Shut yur winders.  Stay offline.  Hide in yur bathrooms.  I'll hunt ya'll laters.  Gaters.  
Im gonna trie to walk.  Its hard when u is a tella tubby.  


Mort a ma u beta beliffam

outrsoulctive off what havpoutneverd. Neverd.  Evered.

Im ha to namor.  Namor. Of Mort a ma.  Mort a ma.  Kill the Mort a ma. Be.  The Mort a ma.

Namors all tell my truth. Sam.  Lindz. Dead Bendz.  Or so I heard ed.  No proof.  Missing body.  Never found.  Fund. Found. Fund. Founded.  More better.

Abo.  Abo.  No a tel.  Alwa!  Buok.  I rite a buok.  Its a made story.  My made story.  Coul't beliffam.  Or not beliffam.  Up to reedor.  Reedor of Mort a ma.

Mort a ma. 

Mood:  Red.  I like Red.  I like Red so much, I give red a caps lock.  RED.

Just who is Mort a ma?  I don't know.  But I will tap into psychosis and a bottle of Key Ann Tay  to finger it out.  For EWE.  My number one fan.  Of witch I am. I am Sam.  Son of Sam.  I am Mortimer Drake.  Batman.  Lucy.  Linus.  Peppermint Patty.  Snoopy. Snoop Dog. Snoop DAWG.  Snoopy snoopster.  Snooperoni.

Mort a ma

I am a comic.  In a book.  Of witch I reed.  I am not The Batman.  I am Mort a ma.  

I am 6'6".  I am 6.6.  I am 666

 I am 505
247 pounds.  Getting closer to my goal.  Of 300 pounds.  With cake.  Lotsa cake.

I'm a little teapot
short and stout
Hear is my handle
I need a spout

Wurd. Wurd so diff icults. When u have no funshioning brain.  I need to think.  Hard.  About Mor ti ma

The batman = good
The Mor ti ma = bad
The Overton = really bad
The Sam = imagineary
The Linds= stoopid

Put em all in a blender and whatcu got?
I dunno.  What is blender?

Kitchuns of poor peoples is fun. Empty beer can is ass tray for ass of my stick of witch I smoke.  Cigar. I am a movie star.  In my own mind.  Bathtub interview.  Water goes brown.  I poopied in bath again.  I smear shit on wall.  Sh iton w all! Mor ti ma.  Mor ti ma.  Is u prouded of me now, Mor ti ma?

I wanna be in cartoon too. Me. Jackie. And Mor ti ma.

 Bitches get stitches.  Mamma Dell needs to lurn her lessons.

Overton out!

Predator and Pie

Mood:  Whatever

I grilled on a fire again last night.  During full moon.  So that my people can see me.  Cook.  She tasted great.  I have been seasoning my meat with fresh blood and it's more better than stale blood.  And I made 12 pies.  One for every day of the week.  I'll send some home with Mark.  The kid.  Of which works for me.  Eating grass. Behind house of where Big Back Yard is.  At.

Mark can take them home to his 2 mommies and 4 daddies.  His mommies made me cake and I really want to thank them.  And let them know that I know what they did last summer.  

My week is jam packed.  So I'll need more peanut butter and bread.  Ba dum dum (ching).  So for work I do:
Phone calls
Second Facebook account
Second Twitter account
Second Skype account
Some stalking
And stuff
Lol. that spells moon.

And I got in troubel for not doing my stock work for my plates R us job.  So I smashed the computers I was on at work place and got excorted out by the police.  The man.  The extablishment.  Ass wholes! So there goes that paycheck.  I could have really used that $41.90 cent because Mamma Dell's cash card for comissary at jail is low and she still gets her monthly curse of witch is a sign of pure Ebil from God. Me. God. Zeus. Oz. Sam. Son of Sam.  So she's gonna bleed rite thru her prison panties.  Sux for her.  Lol

 I need to Focus on Focus.  Ford. Focus. Used. Loads of miles.  plenty of room in the trunk for junk. and dead bodies. Focus

Focus on today and tomorrow and the next day and If I can make it till Friday, I know I am 1 week clean.  Olestra is the virtual monkey on my backside literally.  I have anal leakage real bad.  And I am out of underwears.  So I am wearing newspaper.  That rich people get. It's news.  On paper.  

I am on my way soon to Utah.  For house one and house two.  For thing one and thing two.  I am Suess.  Pet my fur.  Meow.

I will be there in time for demo.  Which is short for DEMONSTRATION OF SALE THROUGH INTERPRETIVE DANCE.  I will be there giving them a salute.

I'll check with the construction paper guys that I hired to do my house.  And i hired a projeck manager from the Apprentence.  A show on Color TV of our president of the America.  Don.  The Donster.  Donariffic.  I voted for Cher. They let me use crayons there at voting poll.  Mickey mouse gave me peaces of paper and told me I could write any name there except mine.  Jacqueline Overton.  Because warrent. Lol

Shit town girl
Living in her shit town world
Never had a back street boy
Because I like one direction.  No. Srsly.  See here at a site where someone sold a ebook based on shit that ain't true,.

See there where it says "Jackie" reviewing her own ebook, it gets better.    

One reviewer contributed a screen shot of Jackie's mad typing skills.  It is a combination of hillbilly ignorance and trying to get those fat clubs she calls "fingers" to make a connection with ONE KEY.AT.A.TIME. 

From the "book":

"I still can't beliffam.  I'm saidit.g thart. So line we going. Everyon seems to think that I mort The off Twitter it. March not 205. Thi no tru. We He mort a ma."

Mort a ma


I'm a fucking genius in a bottle.  You gotta rub me the rite way.  MEOW!

Anyhole.  Back to de'loosh anal...

I pretended I was a dog when I was 8.  It lasted till I was 9.  Mamma Dell was ever so pleased that I stopped doing doodie in my under wears.  I shit on lawn in Big Back Yard By House Shed.  Father was not amused.  So I bit his leg.  I liked humping things.  Small sibling used to scream and then I was booked into Mayo clinic.  It's wear I ate mayonnaise.  White gold. Texas tea. And I made a move on Beverly.  Hills that is.  Bewbs.

She was ever so nice to me.  Her and her uncle Jeb.  We played 17 hours in the closet.  I'm the only one who made it out alive.  When you stab someone 49 times, it takes a lot out of ewe.  So I slept.  Alot.  At May o naize clinic.  

Family did not have enuf dollars to keep me there and something called inshurance was for them fancy rich folk, so I was police excorted back to House Shed.  And they put me on a collar and leash.  Like a dog.  I like dogs.  

Being a dog is fun.  Sniffing trails of things bouncing in the grass.  Bunny wabbits. Furry. Bouncy.  Dead.  Yum.  I hunted bunny wabbits.  And I liked it.  I liked it alot. So that is the storie of how I learned how to be a predator.  By being a dog.  On a leash. On a chain.  Near House Shed.  By Big Back Yard.  Also:  I like pie! 

Smell you later !