Friday, December 23, 2016

My life, my life, my oh so dreary sad and pathetic life

Is this really my life now?

Are you alone?
Do you need someone?
Is it too late to talk?
Did I wait too long?
Thousand words don't change a thing
Is it only three?
Three words that you're missing?

Can I smell your skin...what blood type are you?

Hello again to my brand new, eleventyth website.  I blog because I love it!  Lol!  And because this one time at band camp a psychiatristic lady told me I should write my feelings and not pick at my scabs.  It was called the rape me.  wait, therapy.  I get words mixed up sometimes Lol.

I should start and tell you a bit about my selve.  I am a multi layer CEO president owner guitar playing vegan Catholic anorexic kachillionare. I am 40.  I am single.  I like jokes. I am 6"6" tall.  I have a cents of humor.  I don't actually get jokes but I like to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.  I'm extremely very private so you will not see photos of me or my selves or my friends or anything real.  Because I am private.  

I learned in life that looking back teaches you nothing except how to move forward with past regrets and learn from it.  It teaches me lessons to apply to life to the future and learn from it.  To infinity and beyond.

Now that I am 41 (single guitar playing vegan Catholic) living here in Cut And Shoot Texas (yes it's a real city) wear I am from,  and love my house.  Hears a pitcher

I love the back yard most of all because is has a large back yard.  It is plenty big enough for digging graves planting things that can grow and stuff Lol.  Its like God can do his thing, you know, like wave his arms and make stuff grow.  Isn't God just the best?! Lol.

I spend hours out there in back yard when I was younger.  I needed to since usually I was in trouble for killing my familys pets.  But it was just the cats.  Cats are ebil.  They need killing.  But then you plant them and God grows another cat.  So it's like same/same.  Lol.
 Magic brought to you by The Catholic and The God.  

Today is cold hear.  I like to work out 8 hours a day.  I would work out morer but I work 30 hours a day running 4 companys.  So I get up early to do work outs. On bowflex.  I do Treadmills too.  In house by back yard.  Mamma Dell calls it "shithouse" but uncle Fonzie calls it "shed".  I like shed.  It is a good place for me to do my writing and stuffs.  Lol.  Today is a good day for work out because it can get all the aggression off me.  I ran out of cats to kill and I need to get aggression off me.  It is the virtual monkey on my back literally.  Mamma Dell got me a monkey since I don't seem to get along with humans.  He smells like corn.  I named him Alex.  He had a twin named Heston but I ate Heston.  That'll show Mamma Dell to put me on a diet!  Lol.

 Sometimes I feel bad about my selve but then I look into the gravesite mirror and think "selve, I'm good enuf, I'm smart enuf and doggone it, people like me!"

I know everyone of my readors (all one of you) is saying and wondering how I do the writing.  As a professional CEO of 2 companys and a single guitar playing vegan Catholic I am a dedicated and this is what I do.  After the tittle I put on the blog I go watch TV.  Some TV because mamma Dell says the TV is filled with ebil and I may get some bad idears in my head so only a half hour of TV is allowed.  Sometimes uncle Fonzie will let me go to his house to watch TV.  He has color TV.  Mamma Dell says color TV is for fancy folk and not to be getting strange idears in my head about getting color TV.  Unless I want to get a job and pay for color TV, we just ain't getting color TV.  I'll show that bitch who's getting color TV.  Fuck her and her black and white TV.  I'll get 2 color TVs.  For my little house shed by back yard.  It will be mine and I will watch all the TV I want because she isn't the boss of me.  Lol.

Then I will write a few sentences or posts or a hole paragraph.  Then I hit save.  Save looks like this:
I am so bright, intellegents and articularte!

Anyhole, like tonight when it is cold hear in the New York City-like it can almost be at ZERO degree (drinking game alert!!!) I sometimes get cold and need to sit somewhere quiet and warm until the voices in my head stop tormenting me.  Mamma Dell will normally start drinking cough medicine.  And sleep.  That is when I can find the stash of cheetos and really feel, well, feelings.  I will then usually find my selve strolling down 5th avenue here in Tennessee and go to Starbucks wear they all no my name.  I have to order a water in advance so they can ship it in through the drone delivery system.  Since I'm vegan.  Then I walk they're.  And buy it.  I walk back home.  I forget where I live.  Oh that's right.  So when I get back to my shit hole of a home in Small Town, Oklahoma, the aroma of days old garbage strewn across back yard assaults my senses and I remember where I am.  Home hell Home.  Mamma Dell is passed out from the codeine.  I'm high as fuck from really shit weed and Krispie Kreme is fucking good.  Like reaelly fucking good.  I find peanut butter and I put it on my special place.  I call out to my dog.....

Then I nap.

Mamma Dell wakes me up and tells me the cock-a-doodie TV is on and I am now grounded.  Because electricity doesn't grow on trees.  So itsnotmyfault but now I have to sleep in house called shed by back yard because I can not sleep when she has the codeine hang over snores.  Lol.

Then I hit save button again.  I really want to reach people with my words.  I really want to reach a limited audience of vulnerable women who need compassion.  Women who I can then mind fuck and take advantage of. 

Ive been nown to write as many as 4 hole posts a day.  Thats alot. Lol.
My mind never shuts off.  The voices won't let my mind shut off.  

I really want to reach people with my ideals about life because life is something that im reel good at.

I'm a single 39 year old guitar playing Vegan catholic that runs 9 companys and I am in the DATING WORLD witch is like WOW not wow but world of warcraft but mamma Dell says I aint' to be playing on the world wide internets so I had to only do it at nite when mamma was a sleep.

Man, it is scarey out there in DATING WORLD.  It's going okay though because of I am a CEO of my companys.  With no time for dates so I find a good live porn site on the deep web and rub one out Lol.

Dating at my age of 38 is what I never thought I would be out doing. I have been on 5 virtual first dates.  The one I met on line at plenty of fish would not show me her tits so I blocked the bitch.  Then the one facebook reported my profile so I had to make a new profile and it was just a lot of work so I did not. Another one at a dateing site wanted to scam me which is funny since I was trying to scam her Lol and then another really wasnt a date but I was stalking her and talking like I was a dood with a voice morph.  I dont think any will get to next stage.  I made new friends and they are encourage. 

I have one friend Linda who told me how I screwed up on date by telling a lewd joke and shitting my selve literally.  I really poopied in my pants.  It bothered her I guess but being that I am GUY she shut down and I didn't get it.  Because being GUY means not understanding of body language of womerns on date one.  Also when womerns slap you for pretending to be one thing and not being reel.  So being GUY, I didnt understand theLindza.  At all. So now we are fab friends who do communicate because communicate is key to happy and happy is key to The Catholic and The Catholic is key to God and you know who has key to God?  THIS GUY.

I'll say good nite for now and don't forget, I AM WATCHING YOU.



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