Saturday, December 24, 2016

The big fat 4 2

Tomorrow is my birthday of 41 years old and I am taking the day of f from my CEO kachillionare job of Large and Important Companys that I own but CEO sounds much more cleverer so I will take the day of.  With myself. And I have no idear of what to do since Mamma Dell says I should just shut my piehole about cake and such nonsense.  Cake is for them rich people and I shuld just quit my yappping.

I buryed another cat today.  It was fun sad. He will go to heaven to be with the God as I am sure the cat was The Catholic just like me I me I me. I think I might call my friend, The Bendz and perhaps my friend, The Lindz. We have so much fun. We laugh. And laugh.  I like to laugh.  Sometimes I pee myself when I laugh.  It is ok to do that on Date one because sometimes it isn't seen by the woman who is sitting accrosst from you since most likely on Date One the participants are seated at a feeding type establishment.  And if you are a good talker, you can stay as long as you want.  At eating establishment.  The urine will eventually dry and Date One will not even know any betterer!  Fuck me, I'm a genuius.  I should write a blog about my DATE ONE tips.  Your welcome.  It will get ZERO (drinking game alert) comments since I am genius.  People be all like "dayum!  I cannot comment because I look so stoopid!".

Anyhole, so my birth day is tomorrow on The Christ mas because I am The God and it is reely cool and stuff to have the same birth day as The God.  

I have no ideal of what to do with my selve tomorrow on my birth day. But I guess I will find out to morrow.  It is reel nice living here in large back yard in house shed.  The stores are close.  The neighbors constantly scream at me when I peer through they're windows.  The Neigh bor hood is quiet.  At night.  I look out the windows alot.  At night.  I like my house shed.  It fits me.  

They're is only one thing I miss.

The girl.

Where she at?  

Seacrest Overton out!


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