Monday, December 26, 2016

Moveing Day

HEY EVERYBODY IT'S SAM HERE!  SAM COOPER! Fake person made up by Jacqueline Overton.  Jackie Overton.  Insane in the membrane.

Anyhole I invited all my personalities to Halloween.  Witch is the Lord's day.  My day. Sam.  Son of Sam.  Psycho killer. 

So I invited:
Dead Bendz
Trash Box Lindsay
The Lindz
Dead Linda
My monkey Alex who is dead
Charlie Brown
My legless dogs
Peyton (who the fuck is peyton?)
All the Catholic employees of my company
of witch are 50 in number
Mark the dead J.E.W.
Mark's 2 moms
Mark's 4 fathers

And we all were at my party in House Shed by Big Back Yard.
My legless dog dressed up as Snoppy.  Not to be confused with Snoopy.  Snoppy is a legless dog.  Snoopy is not. Lol

 My shed is cramped with all these peoples.  Of Earth. So I set the thing on fire and now we are without Shed House.  Mamma Dell was so pleased because she did not know how long dead bodies in Shed House could stay ahidden.  So now she ain't gotsa worry none bout that.  

Lindsay is helping me move to basement.  I like basement.  No need for tin foil in basement.  NSA cant see me in basement.  

So I has to call movers.  They are people who move.  They have:
big object mover that is a thing on wheels that you can put heavy things like me.  Washer machine. Dryer.  Dead body.
I ain't neva seen no warsher or dryer machine.  But I did a google search once and they look fun.  

So I lockered up my blog when I did sleep.  So none of the hackereres can git me.
They got me!

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