Friday, December 23, 2016

In the beginning that begun before the beginning that began aka GETTING TO KNOW YOU

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.
Getting to know you, putting it my way,
But nicely,
You are precisely,
My cup of tea.
Getting to know you,
Getting to feel free and easy
When I am with you,
Getting to know what to say
Haven't you noticed
Suddenly I'm bright and breezy
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I'm learning about you
Day by day.
Jackie Overton Samuel Cooper here!  I'm a 6'6" guitar playing single vegan Catholic CEO of a very important and profitable company.  I own 6 7 8 9 a kachillion of them because I am hard working and down to earth and A very dedicated. And I invest and reinvest in my company because I don't under stand stocks and long term investments Lol.  Like mutual fund whaaa?  My friend the Lindz is a good inverstermenter.  Yes that's a word.  Don't be haters.  Anyhole, the Lindz is gonna post some stuff here on my blog but I'm the writer and she's the site thing-a-ma-jig person who understands SEO, HTML, tracing IP address from casual passer byers (yes its a cock-a-doodie word)  and design and PLUG INS.  Don't forget the PLUG INS!  Speaking of design and stuff, I decided to change the theme of the blog.  I added pink hue and dancing rain deers and a super adorable picture of me.  In case you missed it, I am this stolen photo below:

 Now to all the haters out there with no lifes who think that I'm really a cereal intrenet prevert, I have other photos.  I choose to not show them to every one because I am a very very very private person.  But to that super nice lady who asked me to post another photo graph of my selve, here it is.  So suck on that trolls.

So when I rite a blog I generally do what all talented writers do, I write a tittle.  My tittle has lots to do with me because I'm God.  I stalk people who believe in God. I like God and stuff.  I went to The Catholic.  On Saturday since that's when The Catholic does the worships.  Then we did the sacrements of the washed feet which was supper spatial because it's all about God!  Lol. So I went with the Lindz and my friend the Bendz.  But his real name is Benson.  He is my old friend from Narnia.  Where I grew up in.  To all the haters who think he is fake, I have his photo graph too.

I would love to stay and chat all day but I am stalking a woman with another identity of mine and if I don't log on rite now I may miss her I am supper buzy with running 6 companys and I am late for bow flexs since i am a avid work out person with absolutely ZERO body fat.  Drinking game alert!  ZERO!  You're welcome.

 So when I start a blog I usually have the music on and a nice bottle of chianti and I take my time slicing the scalp off my victim whilst gently sawing the skull to access the meninges.  Once I slice through those 3 layers, I can finally access the brain.  I put a lot of thought into every word. Because I really want to touch people.  Well.  Not all people.  Just certain people.  And when I am done touching I reach for my knife. It's a gift that knife is from Justin Bieber who works for me at Company which I am owner CEO and president of (It does hurt to write this way if anyone is wondering).  And this is me and him, him and I, us and me.  Me and him.  Yessss.  And we had sex.  I recorded his voice and that is undenyable proof and he is a lair if he says he didn't.  I will upload those recordings The Lindz will upload those recordings if the Bieber doesn't comply with my demands:
1) 7 Kachillion Dollas
2) One decked out mansion
3) Pot
4) a signed autograph.
I meen it.

I'm a belieber!

So my hobbies are Nerf football, designing those adorable bracelets with gum wrappers, shopping at nifty thrifty, reading and art.  I love art stuffs.

I am a genuine guy with alot to offer.  I'm a pilot.  I have a plain.  Here's a photo of me on a my plain:

So number 1:  I am reel
number 2:  everyone else who doesn't think so is a troll
C:  what do you think of my blog??? isn't it so adorable????

So by for now.  Don't forget, I AM WATCHING YOU 

Next up is all about how I am GUY and in DATEING world as a single Buisness owner guitar playing Vegan catholic.


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