Saturday, December 24, 2016

Verbal diarrhea and stuff

Hi Ladies and gents (I'm so nifty ain't I?)  Jackie Overton Sam Cooper here and I gotsa say, I think I'm doing a bang up job because I really think the more I blog, the more I become Same.  Sam. Sane.  Not really but psychiatrists is for fancy folk with money.  And such. Lol

So my last post from hours ago is about not doing number two (poopie) in your pants on date one.  And if you do poopie in your pants on date one, you need to communicate.  With words. Too enable strong Family life with feelings.  You have to rip open someones chest to grab the still beating heart your chest and head to find words to say it.  I don't know what it is but I really think I am getting cleverer day by day.  Mrs. Beasley told me.  At school.  That I was doing more better at my grades.  

The imaginary people I invented are wonderful.  Only a truly sick person invents scary imaginary people.  No they don't!  Yes they do!!! Lol

I have the best friends in the world.  Lol. They have been they're for me.  I'm reconnecting with all of them and inventing new twittererers for them to tweet me and make me even more realer.

 It took a friend's passing due to extreme and sudden blood loss from 30 stab wounds to make me reelize that freinds and people are important and to re connect with friends. And now I am re connecting with them.

Oh yeah, before I forget, I love getting questions from people here on earth.  So I am going to leave it open.  To Anonononymous comments.  I won't know who you are (yes I will, you are all trollz and I will block you)  so ask away.  Or leave you're name. I love making new friends and acquaintences.

I hope you are terrified enjoy what I'm trying to create here.  I will be working very hard over the next few weeks to get it set up the way I want it.  With help from the Lindz.  I look forward to eating your brains sharing my life with all of you.  I need to get back to work.  I am a CEO of six companys and owner.  I am a guiter playing 6" Vegan catholic single man. With alot to offer.  

I am art.  I like to draw.  I draw stick figures.

I am thinking about getting a tattoo.  I have many tatoos.  But I am working on many creative idears with my friend, Mr. Famous Guy Who Does Tattoos And Stuff.  He says I'm a real talented stick figure drawer and I hope you like my art to!

Have a great day, I AM WATCHING YOU.

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