Monday, December 26, 2016


Sam Wow here!
Mood:  Ritalin

So today I am mormon.  I got a book. For free. and I think all mormons have a bunch of wives.  Had I really thought this thing through properly, I would have just joined ISIS because they have lots of wives and they are each allowed to buy slaves.  But I didn't.  Because I don't own a penis, Also: and jail.  Lol Also I don't speak Aruba.  Of which is the language of them.

So I trolled every Mormonized site that I culd for months and months and months and months under the pretense that I was:
Banjo playa
or SCBVCS for short.  Cuz thats how I roll. Lol

Anyhole, I was sent a book of Mormonilizm. Witch I tried to read.  But the font was small.  And I reely only wanted cliffs notes.  Mr. Cliff is supper smart with all his books. And I went over to spaceship of were I was baptized for Mormon.  But then I found out they do not let pologymisty anymore and I joined the rong religion for that.

So, then I was like, I don't want you anyway because I am Christ I am the son of Christ, I am the Son Of Sam and Murmaids is not my religion and it was dissolved.  Right there at spaceship.  

So first things first.  Second things second.  Third things first.  I am the trinity. Hear me meow.
Meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow
Battlestar Galactica

Look.  Family is important.  How does a person collect wormens that actually stay indoors with out being tied to chair in front of color TV in House Shed by Big Back Yard?

Abduction.  That's how. 

I am trying to find out why me, the Son of Sam, does not have a second testament about ME.  Son. Of. Sam.  Published.  In languages such as:
The English
The Aruba

I wuld like one to be there for me.  To read all about ME.  ME. I am my passion.  ME.  So I read about the religion:  Fist Communion.  I enjoyed it very much.  I am thinking about riting a book too.  But only after I read other religions such as:

Then I could a probably do riting.

I would love to get comments all about how fascinating I am from EWE. So I am opening the comments which are normally closed.  Because trolls.
So it's open and I love to hear all about how I am the SON OF SAM here with my own religion and how supper smart I am.

Till then ya'll, don't forget, I AM ALWAYS WATCHING EWE

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