Friday, December 23, 2016

Jackie Overton: Predator Background


Legal disclaimer:  The subject, Jacqueline Overton, has not been evaluated by the author of this blog.  I am not pretending to be Jacqueline Overton.  For legal reasons I claim this to be parody. However.....much of this will be fact filled based on crimes committed by Jackie Overton. 

I made the mistake of watching a reality tv show recently and learned of a serial cat fisher named Jacqueline Overton.  I spent the next 3 days reading everything I could about this psychopath.  Apparently everyone on the internet is familiar with this catfisher except for me and a few ISIS fanboys. This particular criminal has used theft by deception (criminal offense) to extort money from victims. Catfishing in Oklahoma (state of current residence of the offender) was not illegal during the time of Jackie Overton's predator spree.  Sadly the only way to get a criminal locked away for fraud is to report the crime.  Victims are scammed all the time however only a small percentage actually come forward to law enforcement.

Victims have their own private hell to deal with once they realize they have been manipulated by a criminal.  They are blackmailed into silence, they are embarrassed and they have had their perception on reality twisted by a monster.  Many family members of victims of fraud are not willing to be there for the aftermath since they themselves have attempted to convince the victim that this is all a con.  Victims need to heal from this mental rape.  They need to put it behind and move on with their lives.  Many need years of therapy to function normally.  Blaming the victim is never ok. Never.  I see comments from idiots all over twitter stating how its the victim's fault. The victim didn't commit a crime.  Would those same idiots blame their mother, sister or daughter if Jackie Overton scammed them? 

Jackie Overton has been grooming victims from at least 1999.  Jackie is addicted to catfishing.  She gets a high whenever she has a successful IRL meet with her victim.  The problem with her high is that it craves a more intense rush.  Jackie will need to push her comfortable boundaries for a better rush.  This is the frightening part as this serial offender's next logical step (in her illogical thinking) seems to be headed toward abduction of her next victim.  I would not be surprised if this had already been attempted. 

Scammers generally put a small bit of work into their working profiles.  Once outed, scammers will generate new profiles and use the same scam again.  Prolific scammers already have back up profiles waiting.  Their format is ready to copy and paste to new victims within minutes. 

Overton doesn't appear to have a scam script or format waiting.    She, as of today, still uses her main character "Samuel Cooper".  This is perhaps one of the most disturbing signs. The criminal will not let go of her main character "Sam" as that character is tied to something that gave Overton a rush that will never be replicated.  It appears to the naked eye that Overton thinks she is in love with a victim that got away.  Overton's concept of love is not what would register as love in a normal human.  Jacqueline's love would be more in line with keeping the victim's skin as a bodysuit as the rest of the victim's corpse lay decomposing in Overton's bed.
Subject Overton thinks herself to be creative, intuitive, "left brained", analytical and above average in IQ.  All actions from the subject show the exact opposite.  An in depth examination would probably reveal a history of mild dyslexia and astigmatism.  The subject may have had an attachment to a father figure since the maternal figure did not appear as loving or warm.  Subject would have most certainly derived pleasure in early childhood by throwing temper tantrums.  The maternal figure may have rewarded bad behavior with reinforcement (i.e. punishment).  During this stage of early childhood, it is obvious her father's attention diverted to a new male sibling.  The subject would have been scarred with abandonment issues when the paternal figure left the household.  Precipitating factors leading to the paternal figure's absence may have damaged critical thinking skills in the development of the subject's brain.   Further mental issues would have stemmed at this time in the subject as the family would have most certainly moved from an apparent middle class lifestyle to one of near poverty.  I suspect the maternal figure in the household would have been on welfare for the rest of her natural life.  The concept of work (i.e. employment) is foreign to the subject.  The subject would have been picked on at school by her peers as being "poor".  The subject's mother relied on family to assist her with housing and finances.  It is obvious that the family assisted financially and I suspect the subject would have temporarily lived with a relative during her pre-pubescent years. 

A moral compass of what is right and what is wrong would be firmly established by an uncle.  Young Overton would initially bond with this new father figure however feelings of jealousy would be present since the subject has to share attention with her cousins.   

The subject would distance herself from her family as she obsessed with feelings of confusion during puberty.  She would have further distanced herself from schoolmates by acting in a fashion that was deemed "unnatural" (i.e. inappropriate same sex touching).   It is at this time a teacher or relative guided the subject into healthy activities (softball) to encourage socializing with peers and to keep Overton from binge eating her way into morbid obesity.  By all outward appearances, the subject would have succeeded in blending in as a normal teenager.  Deep down the subject was struggling with abandonment issues, jealousy and sexual confusion. 
Overton would eventually turn to the internet to escape from "real life".  This is where she could, for the first time in her life, exert power.  She would threaten to "hack" other users.  The subject would create different personas to be used as witness characters who would claim "I was hacked by her". The subject is not a hacker and is unfamiliar with basic concepts of true hacking.  Overton would use social engineering to obtain passwords from victims to "hack".  The subject would learn how to hunt victims, how to stalk and how to use social engineering to glean passwords, credit card numbers, driver licenses and an assortment of usable blackmail material to control victims.  Overton would become addicted to the internet and distance herself from any normal relationships.  It is at this time when morbid obesity would rear its ugly head.  Overton requires a daily high.  Her "fix" comes from massive calorie consumption, victim stalking, scamming and theft by deception.

Jacqueline Overton does understand right from wrong.  She is completely aware of how to harm people and enjoys it.  She is an internet predator, make no mistake about that fact. This comes from a purely evil place.  Jacqueline Overton is a MONSTER. 

(as Jackie aka Sam aka Thelinz aka notbatmanyet likes to call you):

Thank you for your tireless dedication to warn potential victims .  You are educating people about this serial offender and saved many from potential victimization.  You are wonderful people and I appreciate all that you do. You are not trolls, you are cyber heros (cyber warriors...I'm not as clever as "Sam" with wurdz).  No one will truly understand how many lives you saved.  

To the warned victims who did not block @notbatmanyet: 

You were warned about this criminal yet you spew "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" to a user who is trying to save you from being a victim.  Your ignorance is what Overton relies on.  She took your profile photo.  She is using your name.  She found you on facebook.  She copied your profile.  She friended all your IRL friends.  She is trying to scam them.  Your incorrigible attitude to people simply looking out for your best interest will not get you a second warn.  A simple "thank you" isn't difficult.

To the victims of catfishing: 
Empower yourself.  Never allow the criminal to hold any power over you.  Do not engage the criminal.  Sever all ties.  You will survive this. YOU HAVE THE POWER.  Use it. 

To subject Jacqueline Overton 

I, unlike you, back up my blog.  This blog may be shut down but duplicates will pop up everywhere.  E v e r y w h e r e.  I will follow you.  Every keystroke, every fake website, every potential victim will be seen.  Every c-panel, every fake profile will be exposed.  You are my target.  I am crazy enough to follow you to hell just to watch your flesh burn.  You hunt victims, I hunt criminals.   

I leave you now to assume the role of SAM I AM (NO I'M NOT! YES I AM).  The adventures of a kachillionare await (now with technicolor).    

Due to the Catfishing Liability Act of 2016, I state clearly from unsound mind that this here web log on the internets is pure Par O Dee I done learned how to spell Par O Dee cuz you know, law stuffz.

Push de linkz to see next installment:

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