Saturday, December 24, 2016

Changeing underwears is good

Good day mateys!  Lol.  I learned that at The English, country of which I was at.  With The Lindz.  And The Bendz. Things have changed alot since the last time I was here writeing at The blog a long while ago (12 minutes).  I have began a new relation ship.  With a girl.  And it is excitement and scareyness all in one.  Lol. I can feel my heart skip a beat from the ever present plaque on my arterial walls due to a high cholesterol diet every time I am near her. Or when I think about her.  Or when I peek through her window at night.  She is haveing all of my attention span.  I think about her alot.  It's fresh and so are my panties.  Mamma Dell says I gotsa stop wearing the same panties every dognoggit day or I will get stinkey and get The rash again.  So I changed my under wears.  Now I am clean and got ZERO stink on my pink.  Your welcome.

Sometimes I scare myself that I am writeing this blog.  I mean, like, who writes crazy stuffs about a crazy person and stuff.?  M O O N, that spells crazy. Lol.
Anyhole, I am thinking alot about my new victim girl friend.  It is different.  It is very different.  And I can not get enuf of her.

So I pray all the time to myself, The God, and I think I used up all my wishes on myself, The Magic Jeanne in The Bottle, The God.  The All Powerfull And Noing OZ,  and I no that things work out because, God.  Me.  God.  Me.  OZ.  

That song that has wording of such words as you think this song is about you, don't you, is .  Infact.  About me.

Smell ya'll later!

Don't forget, I AM WATCHING YOU!

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