Monday, December 26, 2016

Predator and Pie

Mood:  Whatever

I grilled on a fire again last night.  During full moon.  So that my people can see me.  Cook.  She tasted great.  I have been seasoning my meat with fresh blood and it's more better than stale blood.  And I made 12 pies.  One for every day of the week.  I'll send some home with Mark.  The kid.  Of which works for me.  Eating grass. Behind house of where Big Back Yard is.  At.

Mark can take them home to his 2 mommies and 4 daddies.  His mommies made me cake and I really want to thank them.  And let them know that I know what they did last summer.  

My week is jam packed.  So I'll need more peanut butter and bread.  Ba dum dum (ching).  So for work I do:
Phone calls
Second Facebook account
Second Twitter account
Second Skype account
Some stalking
And stuff
Lol. that spells moon.

And I got in troubel for not doing my stock work for my plates R us job.  So I smashed the computers I was on at work place and got excorted out by the police.  The man.  The extablishment.  Ass wholes! So there goes that paycheck.  I could have really used that $41.90 cent because Mamma Dell's cash card for comissary at jail is low and she still gets her monthly curse of witch is a sign of pure Ebil from God. Me. God. Zeus. Oz. Sam. Son of Sam.  So she's gonna bleed rite thru her prison panties.  Sux for her.  Lol

 I need to Focus on Focus.  Ford. Focus. Used. Loads of miles.  plenty of room in the trunk for junk. and dead bodies. Focus

Focus on today and tomorrow and the next day and If I can make it till Friday, I know I am 1 week clean.  Olestra is the virtual monkey on my backside literally.  I have anal leakage real bad.  And I am out of underwears.  So I am wearing newspaper.  That rich people get. It's news.  On paper.  

I am on my way soon to Utah.  For house one and house two.  For thing one and thing two.  I am Suess.  Pet my fur.  Meow.

I will be there in time for demo.  Which is short for DEMONSTRATION OF SALE THROUGH INTERPRETIVE DANCE.  I will be there giving them a salute.

I'll check with the construction paper guys that I hired to do my house.  And i hired a projeck manager from the Apprentence.  A show on Color TV of our president of the America.  Don.  The Donster.  Donariffic.  I voted for Cher. They let me use crayons there at voting poll.  Mickey mouse gave me peaces of paper and told me I could write any name there except mine.  Jacqueline Overton.  Because warrent. Lol

Shit town girl
Living in her shit town world
Never had a back street boy
Because I like one direction.  No. Srsly.  See here at a site where someone sold a ebook based on shit that ain't true,.

See there where it says "Jackie" reviewing her own ebook, it gets better.    

One reviewer contributed a screen shot of Jackie's mad typing skills.  It is a combination of hillbilly ignorance and trying to get those fat clubs she calls "fingers" to make a connection with ONE KEY.AT.A.TIME. 

From the "book":

"I still can't beliffam.  I'm saidit.g thart. So line we going. Everyon seems to think that I mort The off Twitter it. March not 205. Thi no tru. We He mort a ma."

Mort a ma


I'm a fucking genius in a bottle.  You gotta rub me the rite way.  MEOW!

Anyhole.  Back to de'loosh anal...

I pretended I was a dog when I was 8.  It lasted till I was 9.  Mamma Dell was ever so pleased that I stopped doing doodie in my under wears.  I shit on lawn in Big Back Yard By House Shed.  Father was not amused.  So I bit his leg.  I liked humping things.  Small sibling used to scream and then I was booked into Mayo clinic.  It's wear I ate mayonnaise.  White gold. Texas tea. And I made a move on Beverly.  Hills that is.  Bewbs.

She was ever so nice to me.  Her and her uncle Jeb.  We played 17 hours in the closet.  I'm the only one who made it out alive.  When you stab someone 49 times, it takes a lot out of ewe.  So I slept.  Alot.  At May o naize clinic.  

Family did not have enuf dollars to keep me there and something called inshurance was for them fancy rich folk, so I was police excorted back to House Shed.  And they put me on a collar and leash.  Like a dog.  I like dogs.  

Being a dog is fun.  Sniffing trails of things bouncing in the grass.  Bunny wabbits. Furry. Bouncy.  Dead.  Yum.  I hunted bunny wabbits.  And I liked it.  I liked it alot. So that is the storie of how I learned how to be a predator.  By being a dog.  On a leash. On a chain.  Near House Shed.  By Big Back Yard.  Also:  I like pie! 

Smell you later !

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