Monday, December 26, 2016

Its Still all arbout Utah of which I am. Sam.

I am sentence riter now. I and Mark.  Mark goat.  Eater of grass.  Tied to my House Shed.  He gots 2 moms.  I find it unushual.  It is fun to talk at them.

Contracktors.  I hired 2.  For home 1 and home 2. And one to put out a hit on you. EWE.  Got what I neeeed.  Oh baby EEEWWWEEE. Got what I neeeeed.

Cake pan, empty and clean. From my tongue.
of wich I used to lick the pan.  Which had cake.  In it.

Contracktors are the overseers of houses of which I boughted.  And she is doing good job.  The contracktors are a singular "she".  Like me.  Or not.  Still Sam I am.

I are going to be overseer of things such as:
Granites.  Apparently Granite needs to be pluralized with "S" for house one and house 2

Then me, the Linda/the Lindz/the Bendz, The Sam. The Fat wack job that is Jackie, will use a commer.  Comma.  Whateves. I me we and I go back to Utah in 2 weeks to see it all finished.  Cuz everyone knows that when you buy 2 houses and a contracktor, it takes 2 weeks only to flip the house.  According to TV.  Of which I live for.  In. AT.

I looking to sell it first.  Because that is how I and me tawk.  Talk. "Looking to" is a learned expression which can only be "learnt" from backwoods fucktards. So I is looking to sell the gosh durn house propertie. Of witch I own.  2 of them.  But if they don't sell I will just do a craigs list and stuff. To rent to. At fare price.  Fair price.  I once went to Fair.  The circus peoples a tried to keep me in a cage for main attraction but I done did a skerred all the midgets who cried so they won't let me near circus.  Any moore. 

Here is me and I in construcktion gears:
I am Jax body.  I am morbidly obese.  I own a shirt.  It has stripes.  It is the only shirt I own now. I shuld kill myself.  And turn myselves into soap.  But I can't dye now.  Mor ta ma. I am  Mor ta ma.  I have a Gunt.  It's a blend of my huge gut and my special place.  Where peanut butter goes.
"Utah is an emerging market for real estate so it's going to be fun to see what offers I get."  Earth is full of emergering market for dwellings of house sheds for me to by.  Me.  Kachillionaire.  Gas stachun owner.  And coffee sitting place owner.  Casino robot owner.  Vegas crack house owner.  But not really.  Cuz itsa rental. A rental that I flipped.  Green acres is the place to be.  So happy for goat boy Mark.  He likes grass.  To eat.  In back of crack shack.  Were I and me buryied the bodies.  Shsssh.  Don't tell no one.  Mark won't know.  He had Mr. Winkey chopped off.  Because J.E.W.  with 2 moms.  They make cake.  From a box.  I usually just eat the dry ingredients from box.  I ain't never seen a oven b4.  Mamma Dell says we couldn't get one becasue she done did sticked her head in it once and they won't let her have anotha one.  And Food Stampers need to save them up for cigarettes. Not ovens.  My house's hous'es houses' propertieys in the Utah will have ovens.  And granites.  And the ashes of Heston and Alex.  Burnt to crispy critters.  Who used ta crawl on my heads.  And feets.  

I live on TV.  One dimension Two dimension Two dimension Three
Daylight come-a and I wanna go home

Communicate.  is key to success.  Of whitch I am.
Richard Stands. One nation.  Under me. For liberty. and Justine for all.

I got axed out on a date today.  She circled YES on my blog on my webster  website.  Witch was wiered.  So I was like stalking on line on this one person who I tricked about being reel. And so she like totally suddenly after months and months says to me (completely out of the bluu) she says "I gonna I gonna axe you out if you is single" and I totally fell off my chair.  Because my chair ain't made for peoples of over 350 pounds.  It broked and my back side is sore now.  So I satted on floor where the heads are stuck in jello.  Anyhole she wanted to no if I was dateable.  Like 1) r u a cereal killer and 2) is there a expiration date on your forehead?  and C) ARE YOU A CATFISHER, A FAKE, A FRAUD, A SCAMMER? Samuel Cooper is not real.  Jacqueline Overton is a scam. So like I totally had to lie to her and now I need to kill her.  If she ever lets me meet her.  

So that shuld be phun.  So Mark, the J.E.W. says to me he says "thats two (2) days inarow.  In a row."  Arrow.  I shuld buy a arrow.  It is hard (that's what she said) to communercate with Mark because 1) I am CATHOLIC and 2) He's not real.  

Speaking of not reel, I am doing okay.  Things are going smothly in my head. Heads. I prefer to keep it that it them that way.  Voices are quieter now.  They get quiet when I dismember humans.  And eat them.  In my shed.

I and me are makeing new friends. Today. I am going out. Of my mind. With Lindsay in the las of Vegas in which I went. To. At.
Hanging out with Lindsay is sceery. Scary. And Excitement.  Excrement of which I paint my walls. In. Of. To.  Anyways hanging on Lindsay in Vegas is a hole nuther level. And I swear anything can happens.  Cuz she is so magnetic that she can stand by someone for like 3 minutes and already has stoled their wallet and phone.  That girl is a grifter.  Gifted.  Like me.  The humans she meats are cool and fun.  I wish I could be cool and fun.  But I'm not.  I pick my nose in pubic.  And itsa turn off.  I am usually confuse in new environment.  On earth.  

Now of coarse I is shure you done did heared this b4 ya'll but 2 tv peoples got shot on tv.  By me. And I preyed.  

You only get one swing in life, so make sure you're bat is big.  Like me.  350 pounds big.  If I sit on your face, you die.

I am reeding a book I gotted. From 3rd graid.  And it's good.  I ate pages 1 thru 7 but not 8 cuz 8 has pretty picshures on it. Eating paper gives me worms.  Lol

Ya'll, keep it safe.  Lock your doors.  Shut yur winders.  Stay offline.  Hide in yur bathrooms.  I'll hunt ya'll laters.  Gaters.  
Im gonna trie to walk.  Its hard when u is a tella tubby.  


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