Sunday, December 25, 2016

Fresh Panties and a trip to Funky Town

I have decided to start fresh on this website. Tweeking colors and such.  Plug Ins made my site crash and a few @abuse reports took me offline.  Also DDoS attacks.  Thanks for that.  I haven't had that much fun since my last root canal.  Who am I kidding?  I ain't never been to a gynocologist!  Lol  Root canals are for rich people.  M O O N. That spells I got 99 dollars and the bitch ain't getting none.

Mamma Dell tole me I had to leave and /or get a job.  But I prayed and my prayer was answered.  She got arrestered.  Again.  I was reel happy.  So I decided to empty her bank account and go to Target for new underwears.  I have the Monday thru Saturday edition.  They wanted too much for Sunday panties so they can keep they're cock-a-doodie Sunday panties. Lol.  I'll just wear the Monday ones twice, or may be the Saturday ones.  

I am going to get a car or helicopter to go to Funky Town.  To live.  At. With all this planning I haven’t had any free time the past few months and am finally makeing time for myself. For Me.  The Sam.  The Catholic Vegan.  Ukelele playing Single GUY. I need to. I am so unbalanced. (read the other blog, I swear she actually typed that).

There are so many changes happening in my life.  I am growing hair.  Down their.  I am needing a bra thing.  For bewbs.  But I don't buy one because I spent all the 99 dollars.  At Target.  It is a speciality shop for CEOs who need stuff to run many companys. and it’s only going to get more better.  For me.  Because I said so.  Itsnotmyfault.  It's never my fault.  It is always someone elses fault.  Always. 

I tolerate my family and have no friends. We struggle to stay in touch. Because to them I will always be that weirdo.  Lol.  Everyone is so buzy.  Most of them take off for Florida to summer there to get away from crazy Jackie and crazy Dell. It is always summer in the Florida.They don’t get back home until the beginning of fall here. When me and Dell are usually in house.  Away from people.  So I guess my relatives and friends feel more safer.  Such an unusual family I have. Lol.  I wouldn’t trade them again.  I did once but I got in trouble.
My mind often goes to how to control people that I love. I believe I was born to control people.  People come into you're life the moment they are meant to be, and usually by force.  By me.  The Sam.  The Catholic. Vegan. And they leave the moment they are aware that I am criminally insane.  

I know my story is so big I need several people to carry it. I will create several people.  I need  to find a pregnant lady person who is carrying twins.  Boys.  I will love them and squeeze them and I will call them George. 

I can’t wait to get back home to Funky Town I have a business trip next week. Because I am a CEO. Of company/s.  I had planned on stalking someone but she filed a restrained order. So I said okay and take care. She is in her own world on TV and I will just do blackmail and that shuld make her talk to me.

The food there at Funky Town is amazing. I plan on bringing a bunch of my favorite stuff back with me. Like my favorite can of spagetti Os.  It is dag near 20 years old by now.  Lol.  I will only be there a few days. I wanted to stay a week but with all the bad weather in Oklahoma recently I need to stay focused on getting it all cleaned up. I got a fine for keeping garbage and dead cats on lawn of house shed.  Were I live.

I am still avid reader and will be sharing the books I read once again on here (never in the history of ever did that shit happen. Nope). I look forward to all the comments so that I can stalk you. Have a great day. Know that you are being watched!

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